Gnarled Bark

I haven't been able to read through all of the comments, so sorry if someone has already talked about this.

This whole thread has been incredibly helpful to read. I'm telling my wife this saturday that I'd like a divorce, and she has no idea. I don't even know how it's all going to work afterwards. I'm super nervous, but I don't want to keep leading her on and living a lie. We've been married for over 5 years now. Any

I get Jonah Hill and Seth Rogen. It makes me mad because it's like, oh he's a chubby white guy with a beard and dark hair. And now, both Seth Rogen and Jonah Hill have lost a bunch of weight, so looks like I have to as well.


I don't know if someone else has mentioned it below, because Discus, but Nathan Ford on Leverage would be another addition to this list. He's an alcoholic in the first 2 seasons, then he goes sober, and then he goes back to drinking for the final season.

The Ohio Players - "Love Rollercoaster"

Totally unrelated to all of this, but I'm from Indiana and I can't express enough how much joy your username and picture bring me.

I just think it's annoying when the news hypes things up bigger than they are. Then again, that's basically what it's there for.

By he's blasting the 16 senator's who showed up but didn't stay, you mean he's called out 1 of them and hasn't mentioned the rest? It's just kind of annoying because I've seen like 3 or 4 media outlets say this, and yet he's only said something to one of them. Kind of like when one person says something all of the

I know it's not the best example, and it's not entirely questionable, but I always thought it was ridiculous that Dawson, from Dawson's Creek in case you aren't on a first name basis, is obsessed with movies and is a huge movie buff, but his favorite director is Steven Spielberg. He has a poster of Jurassic Park on

Job Thread

Well if they are bad at interviewing, I might have an even better chance! I think for me it's more the idea that I'm from a smaller town in Indiana and the fact that I live in Chicago now and have the opportunity to work for the company that everybody knows as this great place to work, is just incredible. I think


So I guess "I'm Shakin'" just barely made it, since it was released in early Oct. Thanks for the info!

How is "I'm Shakin'" nominated? Do the Grammy's go back to the beginning of October? It's just weird to see a song nominated this year off an album that was nominated last year.

I'm commenting for 2 reasons: 1) I absolutely want to be notified when more people participate in this discussion, because I think it's fascinating. I know I'm about 2 weeks late to the party, but who cares. 2) I think another way to distinguish between porn and films with explicit sex is my feeling that we should

Eagle Scout here as well (it's pretty crazy that we have 4, if not more, Eagle Scouts on the AV Club).  I remember getting my rifle shooting badge was impossible until my 3rd year at camp, when someone finally brought a left-handed rifle.  I'm not left handed, but my left eye is my dominant eye, and being able to use

Jonsi (pronounced "yawn-sea") has continued to bring a new world to my ears. From Sigur Ros' first album, Von, and now to this, this is truly a musician that has grown over the years. The sound has matured and become something new and different with every album. Like them or not, at least they aren't doing