Nick Allen

Come on EA, this isn't a SimCity article. You don't need to astroturf here.

I try my best.

I think you mean May 24.

The 3DS version is apparently the first portable Lego game to have an open world, which should be good.

No, but that's because it's a very stupid idea

"Which games does it have?"

Yep. Especially since EA have since lied about SimCity requiring the online servers to do a lot of the game's computing.


Ew, /vp/

The RPS boys were discussing it on twitter the other day and one of them linked to an article another person did about it, but I can't for the life of me find it despite trawling through my history.

That's the issue - they can't, since all the computing is actually done server side on SimCity, hence it's IMPOSSIBLE to play offline.

Good for you, sonny. Call me when you learn to speak your mother tongue properly, it'd be a favour to us all.

In summary, then: deliberately inflammatory but lacking substance apart from the (2 minute) Zelda segment. 3/10 must try harder.

Your an idiot.

Hey guys, remember me saying I'd trust anyone over EA yesterday?

Couldn't care less.

I agree with you, that a lot of companies are scummy. I didn't like Ubisoft either because of their silly DRM. But they never really stopped making good games, so I still supported them. Same with Valve.

10/10 I just got rused

VideoGamer aren't 'strangers' they're made up of experienced games journalists. One of the people who works there, Matt Lees, previously worked at OXM UK, and helped write the excellent OXM Breakdown series. They're one of the few games journalists/websites I trust, along with RPS and Eurogamer.

You're missing the point - EA circa 2006-2007 took risks, let developers take their own path, which led to great games like Dead Space, Mirror's Edge and Crysis (you obviously haven't played Crysis 1 if you think it was 'generic). These games were moderately successful, but EA wanted more (since they are a business,