Nick Allen


Because EA lie, cheat and deliberately confuse people constantly for damage control. They once removed the unsubscribe button from the TOR account page a few days before the post-launch trial period ended, so people were forced to pay for another month of gameplay they didn't want. They constantly go back on things

Sorry, I shall rephrase:

If EA made games that weren't shit, maybe I'd reconsider my stance. But they don't, so I haven't.

I'd trust the fucking Sun over EA

I don't support it, and haven't since Dead Space 1. Can't say I've missed anything I've wanted to play.

Fat chance. I'd trust the boys at VideoGamer over anyone at EA.

Why do places near me always sell out?! :(

Somebody didn't actually watch the X trailer.

Stop bullshitting. They make a big thing of them 'only being available between 1st Jan and Easter.'

Not sure why I wrote Crytek there when I meant Criterion

It's not down to Crysis specifically, it's a wider issue that made EA fall out with them, which is down to Origin and project $10.

Aye, but it's a shoddy port with a gimped framerate and obviously low budget/dev time.

Go home, kid. Buy your shit games, continue lapping up EA's bullshit. You're contributing to the death of good games.

I'm referring to the online passes EA distributes with all its multiplayer console games nowadays to ensure preowned copies can't play multiplayer. This doesn't happen on PC since you can't sell on Origin copies of games.

You're a fucking idiot, and it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if you worked for EA. Consoles are different rules.

You are exactly why EA get away with this shit.

I'm not dumb, since I don't want extra login shit clogging up my fucking console games. It's fine on PC, it is NOT fine on console.

Back at E3 2011, EA announced that they were on track for a 'huge' partnership with Nintendo. In August 2012, this deal apparently broke down, leading to this:

It is, although currently only in FIFA (and presumably other sports games).