Nick Allen

Play a FIFA game from recent years - it'll ask you for your Origin login. It'll inevitably spread to other games next gen.

The important thing to take away from this is that the 'lack of business support between Nintendo and EA' is Nintendo refusing to allow EA to put Origin or their project $10/online pass bullshit on the WiiU.

Which is why NFS looks 10x better on WiiU than 360, I'm sure.

I think including Ace Attorney is a bad move, since the very first Phoenix Wright game occurs in 2017 IIRC. (That's according to a document you recover in Rise from the Ashes, which is dated 2015, about a case that occurred 2 years previously).

I'm not your friend, buddy

Will agree on the last boss.

I know it's a joke, fella. Was just wondering how many people I could goad into a response.

I'm not sure you know what that means, pally

I guess you're pretty new here

There's no need to be upset

We have that game, it's called Sonic Generations, and it's great.

That isn't it's whole purpose at all, you cretin. A lot of Kotaku titles are like that, I will give you, but this one is just Evan expressing how pleased he is about it.

Ahahahaha are people seriously complaining about the title of the article?

I would say every game he's ever made being fucking brilliant is a pretty good indicator.

Simon Roth, who is making the lovely Maia that got kickstarted in December, wants some support so he can buy the Homeworld license. Tweet him your support and/or money so he can do it. Please. His twitter handle is @SimoRoth

Just seems odd considering how it was only with Portal 2 that Gabe was saying how great Sony was to work with

If that were true, the PC would be the most successful platform every generation, since that's the easiest platform to develop for


Valve conspicuosly absent, there.

Are Mario And Luigi or Fire Emblem really JRPGs? Fire Emblem is more of a turn-based strategy with RPG elements, like XCOM, and M&L is an RPG but doesn't really have any of the JRPG trappings.