Nick Allen

Navi's reminders are actually really good for speedrunning because they let you do Navi Dives, so them becoming more common actually made OOT3D more broken.

Deus Ex: HR is actually a particularly bad example since playing on easy removes any challenge. You soak up bullets like they're going out of fashion, so playing stealthily (really, the whole point of a Deus Ex game) is useless and the game turns into a TPS.

The point I'm making is 99% of people who go to cons aren't assholes, and unless you charge into the venue shouting 'LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME, I'M GAY,' the likelihood is nobody is going to notice your sexuality, and therefore you won't be subject to any homophobia. The whole concept of an LGBT con is redundant when you

But the people who go to game conventions aren't the 12 year olds on Xbox Live. They're fully grown adults who understand the concept of sensitivity. They're not going to look at you and go 'fuck off you cock sucking faggot' like you get over the web.

I still don't understand why this is necessary. I'm bisexual and I sure as hell wouldn't go to it, what's the point in showing off that you're not straight at a con completely unrelated to sexuality? It's like GURRLLLL GAMERRRS having their own con - it seems to me that it's just trying to show off that you're so

If it's handled anything like Kotaku Core it'll be equally shitty

This week in the business: idiots shittalking other companies for personal gain

Don't buy SpeedX - the reviews on eShop give it 4 stars but it's bloody awful

I went back and checked, and he actually spelt it like that.

Well that's a relief, I was imagining a Contagion-esque situation.

Thank goodness for that, poor Udgey looks like his face has melted

That's never coming, pal. Sorry. Your best bet is the in-development fan translation.


That's how 4OD works in the UK - having adblock disables the ads which interrupt the video stream and just allows you to watch the show.

Unfortunately, if I was 12, I'd be 1. on Kotaku blindly defending Microsoft/Sony/Nintendo and 2. unable to type without resorting to using numbers and 'txt spk.'

Not to be rude, but I'm not really going to take someone with 'YesIloveMacs' as their name very seriously.

That's not strictly true, is it? Apple demanded Samsung buy a license for their ridiculous patents (scrolling tech - really?) and then when Samsung refused on good grounds they slammed them with a court case. Sammy have been the ones who've tried to get an out since, but Apple have had none of it. They're completely

Apple are the ones who take every company they are in direct competition with to court, as I recall.

Patronise me more, it's utterly fascinating.

Wow, man, wow.