Nick Allen

Yes, let's all buy an Ouya for a game that we don't know will come out for it, by Gameloft, a company not exactly known for making the highest quality games..

The curve just reminds me of the Gamecube box art, which can only be a good thing.

Pfft, call me when they get it working with a Classic Controller.

Hot Shots Golf is basically a rerelease of the PSP version, it's the Vita equivalent of Pilotwings, I doubt many people have it down as essential. MLB is a watered down version of the console version, Mortal Kombat is a port (albeit of good games, but a port all the same) and Pinball Arcade, while great for a short

And they day after I'm reminded of SPVTW:TG, new DLC is announced for it, IT MUST BE A SIGN

Oh, yeah, I forgot about that one. Good point.

Great, a pinball game, 2 sports games and a PS3 port. Excuse me if I don't get too excited.

Does this mean we'll see an Aparoid as a playable character?

A Vita game worth owning? Makes a change, before all we had was Wipeout.


I don't know, am I?

Give the concept to the Ubi guys who made the Scott Pilgrim game and they can just take my money

Oooh! Do Blur, do Blur!

His valid point presumably being SONY ARE THE GREATEST HURR DURR DURR, I suppose?

No, I just like to read up on this stuff.

Did the bug prevent you from exiting the game, i.e. it hung when you tried to leave?

This I agree with. An actually playable open world game is an achievement for consoles nowadays.

The cell is hexacore, which is unheard of in modern computing except for in real workhorses. But the caches in them are stupidly high latency and low in size so actually putting any information through the processor at an acceptable rate is ludicrously tough.

The Cell is horrific to code for, yeah, due to the architecture being completely backward - hence why multiplats generally look better on 360. PS3 also has some nasty RAM limitations because of its OS.

Maybe on the R&D stuff that is actually theirs, like the Retina Display. Slide-to-unlock? Not so much.