Nick Allen

Patents Apple shouldn't even have, really. They just patent fucking everything they do irrelevant of if they actually created it or not so they can then go and sue the fuck out of competitors. It's sickening.

Stop being a fanboy, please. There's no need for idiocy here.

Really, you're hilarious. You should probably stop posting or you're going to blow a gasket.

None of the stuff on the Beeb has ads - just between programmes there are 1 or two ads for other BBC stuff.

Being a fan isn't retarded, fanboyism is. It's blatantly obvious that you adore Sony so much that you will blindly defend them again and again, despite what I said being true. The fact that you seem to have taken so much offence to me pointing out the shortcomings of your very favourite company tells me that. Sony

That Genesis one also has a double whammy Sonic 2 + Scott Pilgrim cartridge! Nice.

Fanboyism is retarded, just so you know. The company you are so blindly defending doesn't know or care who you are. They just want your money. There is so much wrong in your post that I don't even know where to start. Learn to appreciate faults that your favourite company have and stop being a blind fanboy.

Sounds to me like you're just trying to deliberately pick fault.

Your fanboy is showing.

I can't say I know much about Sony's audio in their consoles, but what I have heard is that the PS1 is huge among audiophiles because its audio driver is stupidly good.

Again: iterating on tech is not innovation. Sony are not innovators. The only thing they've ever created for themselves was a dual analog control, but again, adding an extra one of something is not really innovation anyway.

I would say sticking an extra rumble motor onto the rumble pak isn't really creating anything.

They are the EA of the mobile world, hoovering up developers and turning them into corporate money making machines with no care for the consumer. That's why their stock is crashing and it's why they need to burn - they don't make games people want to play, they make games that they think will make the most money.

If you seriously don't have the willpower not to use the console, you don't deserve to be a PC gamer. They are for unsticking yourself from bugs and abusing the game's engine when you've run out of things to do. Not for cheating, you wuss.

No, they really don't. I watched a couple of the Rockcock reviews for games I've played (including Fez, Binding of Isaac and Super Meat Boy) and they're just full of misinformation and rugurgitation of what /v/'s hivemimd thinks of the game to attract views from that audience. The idea that that is what you believe to

Excellent, that means we can just completely disregard everything you say from now on.


I would actually posit that you're the fanboy here - it's pretty much universally agreed that the Xbox and PS3 were underpowered even when they were released. Most games render sub 720p - not all, but very very few are over that. Almost no games at all have AA, those that do have 2xMSAA. Dynamic shadows are unheard of

How is rendering at 560p and upscaling with no AA, low texture, shadow and model quality and static shadows and reflections at all impressive for 6 year old hardware? Remember how good Half-Life 2 or Doom 3 looked in 2004? Consoles are shit and you could easily build a PC 4x as powerful as a 360 for around $300.

You really don't know how shitty and underpowered the 360 and PS3 are, do you?