Nick Allen

'I dislike this game without experiencing it first hand'

This isn't strictly Alan Wake 2, though. It's canon, but it's also more of a spin-off.

I took part, and was personally disappointed in how few people from the group partook.

So we're letting EA spokespeople write for Speak Up now?


Hashtagging in texts?

You can't be seriously telling me that Zynga actually believe they are advancing the industry?

Worth noting: the project lead of AA 1-3 left after the AJ to work on Ghost Trick. He's now working on PW vs PL, so I imagine he won't be working on this.

Level-5 are highly likely to localise it since it's got the Layton name on it, which is code for 'sells like hotcakes.'

Play all 3 of the ones on Wiiware.


If I wanted to get pissed with my friends and call it a game I'd go out drinking.

ME 2 is really not good enough to be on this list when games like Deus Ex exist.

I agree.

Why is facebook games even a category?

That's not the same thing. Veteran on CoD is 'fake difficulty,' i.e. it's super cheap. This sounds like it actually makes the game difficult, but enjoyable through it.

'I channel Yahtzee in my spare time'

I'm the complete opposite to the other guy: got it on launch day, played through it in about a week. Loved every second. Pacing is excellently done, even with the page dynamic. Gunplay is fantastic, the light mechanic really works well and gives it that extra dimension.

I thought Ghost Trick was made by the Phoenix Wright team? They've been confirmed to be same-universe.

I despised TWEWY. I thought it was awful, and I still don't get what all the fuss is about. Of course, everyone's entitled to their opinion, but there are far, far better games on the DS.