Nick Allen

I played it at Eurogamer, and jesus christ is the control scheme horrific. Almost to the point og being unusable.

Are you english? Because if you aren't, that may be a part of it. It's a VERY british programme.

I would promote you so hard.

Are you me? My grandmother did exactly the same.

These have existed for years, my grandmother has had once since about 13 years ago.

Because Windows is totally usable on a tablet.

SPOILER: Both MS and Sony used to do this. MS have only changed to 2 XBLA games per week. In that respect, Nintendo matches them (since there's usually a DSiWare title and an eShop title each week.)

'extra weapons'

If only you could map Skyrim loadouts to buttons, this would be perfect.

But Skyward Sword is better in every aspect (apart from graphics, admittedly). The way Link interacts with the world is remniscient of MM, there's the brilliant swordplay, the excellent Silent Realms. The overworld is far less boring. Dungeons are so much more fun.

There is no such thing as perfection.

New Sherlock would be an amazing game, prove me wrong.

No UK dates :(

Only that doesn't happen, because your account can be transferred from 3DS to 3DS.

3D classic

Good thing it isn't, then.

While this is exactly where nobody wants Nintendo to go, I think they'll still manage to be OK. Nintendo aren't known for fucking over their customers, it'll hopefully be proper content.

Should be 'an historic,' I believe.

The Silent Realm is the perfect example of how to make tense gameplay. It's entirely user controlled - for this part of the game, the player decides in what order they want to collect each tear. Once you've got one, you have that brief moment of respite to find another. It's fairly easy until about halfway through the

Wind Waker is still one of the best looking games ever, and only displays at 360p. Games do not need HD if the art direction is good.