Nick Allen

So wait, let me get this straight.

The 3DS supports patches now, so I imagine that glitch will be patched.

Rumoured to be. The other contender is Valve, who would be so. Much. Better.

How in god's name does OOT split into 3 timelines?


Meanwhile, TF2 does it for free.

Stop reporting this, it was fake during the Portal 2 ARG, it's fake now.

I am literally only washing this car crash of a show for the possibility of a GabeN appearance. It's utter shit (apart from Hulk Hogan and Miyamoto).

Reddit: beating dead horses since 2011.

I remember nothing at all of the Earth shrine, apart from the boss (which was great). Completely forgettable dungeon. The first one was excellent, though, every second was enjoyable, there was no filler. I like how story-driven Skyward is. It's got the exploration and charm of Wind Waker (partially from the art style,

Just started the 'find the water' quest, just before the water dungeon (I assume). Most definitely my GOTY, my god. I start playing then 4 hours later get up and realise I've only done half of the overworld stuff between dungeons, I get so caught up in exploring.

Galaxy R? Surely Galaxy S, in which case, ker-fucking-ching.

Sorry, I should've made that clear. What I meant is, I hope they don't try and pass them off as new. By all means include them, they were great.

>recommending CoD to anyone

Hopefully it isn't including the free maps from the Portal 2 ARG in the campaign, since we've already played them. They were great, though.

So you don't believe the guy showing this off? In that case, you may as well not believe the entire article, you dense idiot.

Spoiler: this isn't AOSP, so Android itself is not the problem. It's carriers. Next time, read the article, it affects Blackberries and Symbian too.

What can you do to avoid it?

The first Ghirahim fight is incredible. It's like he seems invincible, batting away all your attacks.

I personally am quite accepting, but you're totally right. the typical 'gamer' is viewed as a 25 year old, caucasian male. In days gone by, maybe that were true. But now, with games like Portal 2 available, vidya is open to everyone. I still think that Portal 2 is not only a great game, but a great work of fiction in