Nick Allen

Ice Cap zone was a good Ice Level.

It's like you've never even heard of the far superior Paper Mario series.

And now we know why they call you 'Bash'craft.

That's like a film company not distributing their movies to independent cinemas because less people visit them.


They are £10 with shipping. I'm a guy. Should I?

N64oid should be on the Android list just because of portable Paper Mario.

People actually use I thought we all used the desktop apps now.

Looks awfully familiar...

So Kat left Gizmodo... to work on Gizmodo?

Steam is the best distribution method ever, mainly due to the SALES.

I speak from experience. I own an Xbox 360 and it's safe to say that 80% of the people on mics are between 12 and 15 years of age. This demographic are less likely to want to play a puzzle game compared to a shooter.

Go back to /v/

Sod mari0, check out that horrific Not Tetris. Good lord.

What reason does he have to lie?

Portal 2 was developed for PC then ported to consoles. Valve are a primarily PC developer.

Nice, I finally have the chance to play AoL.

Well, if we look at the general demographic of consoles, they're usually younger people than on PC - as we know from all the Xbox Live 12-year-olds-playing-CoD horror stories. Hence they're more likely to buy a shooter, i.e. L4D, than a puzzle game. PC gamers are usually older and, dare I say it, more intelligent than

Hence 'arguably'

I'm not sure if it's just the angle, but does it look to anyone else like it's in 2.5D? I think it might be the shadows on the level objects. Looks damn good.