Nick Allen

Er, no it isn't? Origin is just a distribution stream. You shouldn't be forced to use their system hogging shitware IN ADDITION to any other distribution services. Nintendo first party games aren't a distribution method, so should by rights be exclusive.

I'm not sure who I hate more: Activision for making the same shitty game every year, or EA for not allowing their war simulator on Steam and instead forcing us to use Origin.

Understated boxart is always better, hence why Ico in EU has better boxart than the US version. Same with the SS boxart, Xenoblade's just has too much going on for my liking.

Good effort judging a game before you've played it.

The main joke being that Activision games are shit, by and large?

Counter Strike is arguably the biggest PC game on the planet.

It's been patched.

Ernie Ball strings are shit, just saying.

This is ridiculous. Foursquare certainly has a higher usage with people 'in the know,' but your average Joe will use Places far more often.

So does this make Bastion in-universe with HL and Portal? Is this voice clip in-game or is it just promo stuff?


I'm waiting on some Pikmin 3DS.

Can we stop saying that Nintendo are going to die? They have enough money to launch 100 different failures.

Luigis Mansion 2

Chevrons used to be used for quoting in emails, but yes, that is what I was going for.

So does Kotaku just use Notch's twitter for all their news now?

>Read headline

It's like nobody's even heard of Adblock

Commercial android, i.e. the android put into actual phones and AOSP, or the Android Open Source Project, are 2 different things. AOSP is completely open and is used in ROMs such as Cyanogen Mod and MIUI. Commercial android is the Google branch, one which is slightly more closed (because google develops it and allows

Good to see Capcom know exactly what their fans want. After all, nobody wants MML3 or a localisation of AAI2, and we really need more Street Fighter!