
Updating old article? Was checking old bookmars few days ago and hit the old version, and now i found that that new story link was marked as visited already. The URL (two-excellent-customizable yada yada yada) finally solved the mistery... and the comments from a july/2012 closed the circle.

Is even in the language (in a lot of languages, in fact) to be "machiavellian". For the current culture he is evil, being it or not. And the same could happen for the others in this or future lists.

Depends... Absolute or subjective evil? For the present, the near future, or a time "long enough" into the future?

It's not so much what month is it, but what you do. And really depend on the year, the "best month" changed from year to year just because did and lived different things.

Maemo, Meego, BB10, Sailfish, this kind of tasks switching watching the live screens of the apps runnings comes from last decade. Is nice to see Android joining at last to the party. Regarding iOS, well, they seem to be waiting for a DeLorean.

Depend on the uses you may want to give it that may compensate the shortcomings (battery/cpu/price/etc). Want to see 1080p movies on it? Read on it a lot? Some sites you may want to browse could fit poorly in small resolution screens also. You don't need to do it, you can save it to see them comfortably in a more

You can always defend yourself of annoying people using the Hanlon's razor.

Maybe as addendum to the last one. If well current mainstream culture puts money as the ultimate good, as the meaning of life, the universe and everything else, it should not be that way. Having a life don't have to be doing what everyone else (for some value of everyone else) does, buys, have fun, etc, is your life

Abusing indiscriminate antibacterial products in general could kick back badly. For the rapid reproduction rate it could make prevalent mutations with some protection against them, and, as with any ecosystem, could unbalance it killing the ones that could be beneficial in a way or another. Is something that we don't

It also have a great approach to be sustainable: besides the lessons, you learn more helping to translating the web (thats where they make their profit), and get feedback from other people translating the same pages.

That is for me the biggest advantage of Amazon. Not sure if Google have that feature, but being able to jump from your kindle to your phone to your computer or even a web browser, and keep reading where you left in each place is a killer feature.

Is not like having an evernote account for all the interesting things online and using the web clipper plugin? Im not saying that you should discard it as something else already exists for that, but to point general areas where it could be improved both approachs (tagging, offline/other devices access, etc).

For some generations the music of the 80's is the best of the best (in Uruguay Aug 24 is the Nostalgia Night, almost all music played that day is from the 80's, is almost a national holiday by now), so being in the best of the 80's counts as being between the best of all times (for those people, at least)

That's no moon.

A lot of technology will be offered. But there is no replacement for you. Speaking/interacting, giving very different kinds of input, being there, is something that a lot of the "attractive" technology just can't do it as well as you, and your child will be hit by that (i.e. talking would had made him smarter). Yes,

The virus/malware explanation was more about how they spread than what they do or can do, or better yet, what is the common things they do that you should be scared of. Putting your computer as part of a botnet (eating your bandwidth, cpu, launching attacks from your IP, putting you in the spotlight against the law

I prefer Bare-metal -> OS -> app inside container with Docker. You just need a modern enough linux kernel, and it could run even in AWS or VMs. Is not for every kind of use, but is more performant (and have less overhead) than running full VMs to run basically individual apps.

If well "Enterprise" virtualization solutions give nicer tools, they usually also puts a limitation of what could be done. And sometimes you have knowledgeable people that could take good advantage of more freedom of action.

Simplicity is the biggest strenght of mind mapping, but don't let the solution shape the problem. A model of reality is meant to be simpler than reality, but choosing to not show key information is risky at the very least.