My problem with mindmaps (could be a misunderstanding from my part, or just picking the barebones implementation of the idea) is that have only one center, and no connection between nodes. And maybe, just too bidimensional.
My problem with mindmaps (could be a misunderstanding from my part, or just picking the barebones implementation of the idea) is that have only one center, and no connection between nodes. And maybe, just too bidimensional.
The password manager don't need to have a password generator, is enough to be a encrypted storage and organizator for your passwords, but most if not all have random password generators.
I prefer, HTML5, works in desktops and most mobile phones, and gives a bunch of information too. Maybe is not as pretty or integrated with the notification area of iPhone as perfect weather, but working everywhere is a big plus. And if you want something to integrate with your iPhone, they provides also the…
Sounds a bit like perceiving the fourth wall on movies when you feel too much involved. Once you realize that they are actors in a set with a bunch of people around most of the emotion is gone.
It was included with the OLPC's XO laptops, for me was by far the best educational tool included there, but somewhat wasn't something exploited enough by teachers (at least in Uruguay, which Plan Ceibal gave one to all children in schools).
There is no better with a well define set of criteria and evaluation of each criteria, each one weights the factors that matter to them in their own personal way.
It looks like an URL shortening service. But for smart (?) enough search engines they could follow the redirect, and probably donotlink don't do the redirect if the user agent or the source IP is from a search engine.
Yes, that there are a lot of innocent people, or that entered there as childrens, probably makes sense if you add the fact that they were tortured, and you are playing a game to make fun of that. All WWII movies should be remade as reality is making axis soldiers to look as nice people compared with what is doing US…
Using linux could be a great antivirus alternative, and a pretty decent antimalware alternative. Is pretty hard to get infected by virus (modify system binaries needs usually root access) and malware have far less ways to get in (a culture of downloading programs only from the distribution repositories instead of…
This small list of cognitive bias could give a hint on how big is really the problem with us on evaluating information.
The library of Patrick Rothfuss's Kingkiller cronicle trilogy is a good start, but im partial to Discworld's Unseen University Library, as it have even the books that never been written (and have a better librarian too).
You need to be "human", someone with a culture that matches a common set with all the others, which language transmit a core of the same base concepts. If you lacks key parts of that culture, your communication will be incomplete, the words that you give you the idea that the other person want to transmit. That don't…
You can download wikipedia's database, and set it up for you, or your entire local network. In that page you have indications on how to set it up, get it in different languages, get an static html version of the site, or even suggest other ways to have an offline version of it, including Kiwix.
Considering the reason used by the government of USA to don't respect my intellectual property, i'd say that i will get the music i want for national security, not piracy.
You can't have the same password everywhere, and you must be able to track/use all different ones. The best approach keeps being having a few "essential" passwords easy to remember but hard to crack (with approachs similar to this one) and the rest of bunch in password managers (secured with those essential…
Most of the latest phones in the spotlight looked more or less the same, both in shape and in OS. But that is not mean to be the end of the world or, at least, of cellphones. Could consider to buy an android (or other of the linux-based ones) phone with a keyboard like the N900 (or, better yet, approachs like Jolla's…
Don't attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity. If for the expensive ticket you pay you don't get the service you want, just don't go, and download/rent/netflix the movie a few months later at your home, with all your friends, at the rythm you want, eating whatever you want doing it.
That is just slighly more improbable than being killed in a terrorist attack (20 millons to one) that is more improbable than being killed by a shark (7 millons to one) that is far more improbable than death in a cataclysmic storm (128158 to one). Anyway, americans support stripping all the worlds privacy to feel safe…