
Or your perception is way to low, because is rigged by how and what information reaches you. You see far more in the news deaths commited by criminals, or mass accidents, or even killed by a shark (actually 1 in 3.7 millons) than death by diseases, drugs, poisoning, home/car accidents, guns (in all the variants), and

By far, the most common statistical misconception is that random have memory, follows a pattern, or is influenced by the past. If you know that the odds of something happening is 50% (i.e. in coin flip), what are the odds of the next toss if you know the result of the last one? The Gambler's Fallacy is just too deep

Depend on what comes out, specially when i don't choose the most popular operating systems. From a dumbphone switched to the Nokia N900, after that i got the N9. My next one probably will run Sailfish, Ubuntu Touch, Tizen or if is Android, probably will have slide-out keyboard. Considered the BB Z10, but don't like my

Is pretty documented in some book that you should have breakfast, second breakfast, elevensies, luncheon, afternoon tea, dinner and supper to be as light as a hobbit.

My favorite trick always been washing your face, at least while the water evaporates you will feel cool.

By far, most useful feature of Kate (for me at least) is the "filter text" functionality, that is one of the bundled plugins. Mark a the block of text and process it with all that you can do with the command line, right at the editor. That, in an environment with the amount of text processing commands (from simple

The main problem with PDF is that is not just a "document" format, is a printed document format. It describes how a book will look if printed in a certain page size. The advantage of ebook formats (epub/mobi/fb2/etc) is that it takes the "it should look exactly that way" out of the way, and adapt it to the device you

It depend how you define "better", for starters. Different criteria means different choices, and is good to know if we are talking about apples or oranges before picking.

For long time periods (and that are shortening thanks for internet) there are others factors that could make your work not as future proof as you think. The easiest to spot are cultural changes, that could make an entire industry to fall because world perception over certain topic changed or seem to change, i.e.

"If you are in a computer that doesn't have it installed"... Calibre is a must for ebook readers (and i don't mean hardware, i mean people). Unless you are in a tablet or cellphone that stumbles upon a PDF that you want to read comfortably, you probably should have it installed there anyway. Open source,

Won't make any difference for me, so no funeral/grave/etc would be the most efficient thing.

There isn't safe anymore. The people that have access to all your communications have a big respect for your privacy, specially if we are talking about spicy things. I mean, if they can intercept, share, joke about and maybe even publish the private conversations of soldiers on afganistan, how high you should put your

There are several ways to "dual boot" with I.e. Linux. From the timid "try to boot a live-usb distro to see if everything works and could feel comfortable with it" (most current distros default usb media provide that) to the more aggresive "try to use only linux for a week/month/whatever". Just don't try to see Linux

Sometimes you don't remember images, but words or concepts, then (maybe) replace the words with images. It needs less storage to save "A did B" than storing the video A of doing it, so sometimes we take the shortcut. But we must had recognized A and have a meaning for B.

OS/2. Back in the 90's it had a great multitasking, virtual memory, desktop (would be lovely a today's version of WPS), shell scripting, and very efficient.

The problem is that your own cycles don't coincide with the cycles of other people. In a pure just by yourself work when you can set times, and rythm, and even dismiss everything incoming, no matter of urgency, till you can give it some time several hours later, yes, it could be the most productive way to do it.

The nice thing to use linux and installing only things that come in the distribution (that counts a lot) is that you have all permanently updated, at least regarding security. But that means that for most things, they keep being at the same version (mainly to avoid breaking the app if i.e. old configuration don't work

Calibre is a good way to manage your library, mostly everything you should do after getting the book. You can add metadata and notes to each book entry, push the next book to your ebook reader, add categories (i.e. pending, or already read, or even skipping in the middle of it), and of course, backup your books (even