
There could be hobbies that are dead ends, and so could be seen as waste of time (and time=money), and hobbies that change you in some beneficial way. Video games (at least, some of them) are known to improve visual skills, or spatial orientation. Sports/exercising usually improves your health. Others could improve

My pick would be one with full keyboard, like a BB Q10 or a Nokia Asha 302, if they mainly will use it for phone calls, and sending SMSs, but not so frequently take photos, or access social networks with it. Of course, bad at technology don't mean that they don't want or don't feel comfortable using on screen

What about mainly human powered vehicles? Not just bicycles, but more in the car sized arena? For relatively short distances, or to complement charging electric cars, could be a cost effective and ecological solution, and healthy for the driver. With new light materials, solar power, and good engineering could be even

Paracetamol is the name used for it in most of the world (except 6 countries, one of them US) instead of acetaminophen. US "world standards" should be taken with care in the rest of the world, usually means US and a very few more, like with the imperial system or the world series.

Jump from just knowing someone to directly stalk him/her? Sure you aren't reading NSA operations manual?

How do you see what is currently running or switch between them?

I suppose that the right equation is more than you need, and needing as little as possible. No debts, no worries about food, house, health, time for yourself, enjoying life, that should not require a lot of money if you are the one that draws the line. The problems starts when someone else draws that line for you and

Scratch was included with the OLPC laptops, when i first saw (2-3 years ago?) it was amazed by its potential and simplicity. But at least in Uruguay, where those laptops are used by most childrens) was not something very exploited, TurtleArt was more used than it (in fact is used in a robotics teaching project for

Is good way to reach your goals is to attach something you enjoy doing to something you must do. I didn't set too high goals, just walking, but the motivating factors were either enjoying music (i.e. picking a playlist of music you love with the right bpm), resting my mind from work on stressful weeks, or just

Probably most that they would ever need will be just a browser and a page with initial bookmarks. The operating system don't matter a lot past that, as most modern browsers work in them all. I would go with most linux based alternatives (either a linux desktop/laptop, a chromebook, or an android tablet/convertible)

Thats why my proposed solution was geography agnostic.

Rule of thumb: if is US based, then is not. Maybe the individuals working there could be trustworthy, but in a country where intelligence agencies have the "right" to intercept all communications, encrypted or not, forcing the companies to give your unencrypted info in a silver platter (and adding backdoors to inspect

Wonder in what movie will be used the Lamborghini Egoist because i don't see it being used in real life.

What about KITT? Even google cars are still far from it.

Government have no sense of humor. At least companies don't sent you with a bag in the head to Guantanamo.

I suppose that what matters is the semantic of buying. You are buying a song, a movie, a book, to use it how you like, where you like, and when you like or you are asking permission to use it once in a particular device, in a particular situation, in a particular moment, in a particular way?

In more general terms, when what matters is the technology, not you, you are out of luck sooner or later, as technology advances anyway. You should be what makes the difference between a work done or not.

Not using windows is a good start to avoid using antivirus. Linux and Macs have very low probabilities to be infected by virus, in good part because user process can't so easily modify system binaries that is the main venue for virus, and also because is not so trivial to have some file downloaded from internet

How much of this depends on screen technology, like AMOLED, S-LCD, Clear Black, TFT, etc? Different technologies used on smartphones could mean different impacts on brightness settings on battery life.

Wine too, adding resveratrol for an extra punch