
Chrome as personal browser and Firefox for work one. 2 good browsers is a nice way to have separate bookmarks, webmails, sessions, and so on for different uses, while being able to use both at the same time.

There are 2 kind of "spending less", the ones that affects your possibilities of earning more, and the ones that don't. Just do the right cuts.

Don't attribute to advanced artificial intelligence malice what can be done with just a lot of natural stupidity. Specially the "but... but i won" kind, be about a battle, ideals, or money.

"Stopped right now"'? Can we get a little patience and wait till Dec 25? Will be a funny Christmas if you will be with people that somewhat believed in this.

Dan Simmons also wrote the Hyperion series, and still putting that at the very top of whatever i read before. As with Dune or Ender, finishing in the 1st book, or the 2nd is not a bad thing.

If well getting into another solar system could be a goal that could get out of our reach for practical reasons (i.e. some of the requirements for this to work simply don't exists) just getting close enough could bring us some beneficial side technologies, like i.e. more efficient energy sources. The main benefits of

Or Christopher Tolkien. Anyway, those are known precedents that both should be aware of. Time will tell.

My hope is that all the "must be another way" and not killing Parish will lead to that what they set up (at difference to the hammered one that could had malfunctioned), maybe in honor to Danielle, is that normal people will turn into alphas (maybe with a not 100% success rate, else they would try to do it again), and

In the other hand, if we use time travel to find out, will end knowing that the aliens were us. The problem with time traveling is that trying to understand the past you make it. Plain old archeology (maybe with advanced enough, CSI-like technology that could clear up some of this questions), in the other hand, don't

There are 2 schools regarding traveling back in time, or you can change the past (and very weird things could happen there), or at most you are the factor that make it happens as it happened in the previous loop (and even weirder things are implied there).

Seems that the killing evidence will be judge's mysterious new income. There are some points where idiocy stops to be a viable explanation, and you have to go full malice.

Regarding human teleportation, the massive amount of info objection should take into account the massive redundancy of information that we have in ourselves. Yes, taking a point of info each atom and subatomic particle position and speed would require a massive amount of information. But the ADN should be the same in

Define forever. At the very least at some point the universe will end. And the artificial brain part... if that ever be possible, something that thinks that is me, will be me? What of me will live forever? Like in the name of the rose, what will end being there after everything else dies, will be my name. And for that

unstudiable because they didnt do anything interesting? Those anthropologists should better study themselves, they do a bad work if they see them according to their own cultural views and values instead of what they are.

Once we got certain point of civilization/medical knowledge, is culture, not survival, what makes us "evolve". But without knowing what will come in the somewhat near future our guesses could be worthless. If everything goes as is going now, idiocracy, or just being a better trend follower, could be what will choose

We are talking about millons of years here, thousands of millons of years. Mankind was here at most for a millon years, civilization for like 20k years (and civilization matters, as it is capable by our own will to wipe out us any time since last century). Surviving to ourselves, the next supervolcano, big meteorite

We are talking about millons of years here, thousands of millons of years. Mankind was here at most for a millon years, civilization for like 20k years (and civilization matters, as it is capable by our own will to wipe out us any time since last century). Surviving to ourselves, the next supervolcano, big meteorite

The Last Mimzy movie was pretty bad considering the source, Mimzy were the borogoves, from Lewis Padgett. That was a perfectly ok classic sci-fi story of children that get "upgraded" because played with future toys. The only nightmarish thing related to that tale is how that masterpiece was badly destroyed by

If you think that the christian bible is exact letter by letter, then that the origin isn't just Adam and Eve at paradise at the start is opposed to that religion. But if you accept evolution (and for some sort of magical giveup, still thinking that the bible is right in mostly everything) then aliens shouldnt be a

Why we must or should even notice that there is something else out there? If you add to the Drake equation the time in universe history (or at least, time since complex elements were abundant enough to spawn life by some definition), and space, and odds to be close enough in both terms to another technologically