
They could come for something a bit more intangible, our culture, at least as a big warning sign. Biologically we are pretty similar to cavemen, and in usable terms, not so different from chimpanzees, cows or even lizards. But mankind is more culture than anything else, if they come specifically for us they should

Wait, there are plans other than scream and run in circles?

To put in perspective, think in astronauts landing on the moon, and the blonde one says "we are 50 meters far from Earth"

They are taking as base assumptions that aliens have science similar that what we know, think like us, and even probably speak in english, if they attack us. They don't have to think like us, they could just wipe out all life or alienform Earth without getting even close to the planet. If they are here invading, or

Is different changing the climate than controlling it. You can push in one direction and the system will change, hopely in that direction, but as complex it is, could end doing something different or not intended (like the base idea that global warming could trigger an ice age in The day after tomorrow). Could

Distance should play a big factor there, specially if at all practical terms the speed limit is the light. The numbers are too high to deny that there isnt any civilization out there, but the odds of them noticing us or being able to interact with us in any way are just too low. Would be nice that life be like popular

Too complicated. Just make laws to force that you will inspect all world communication, every individual, every company, every government, and that must be handled in a silver plate for everything hosted in your company or by companies based in your country and one by one all the countries will start to cut their own

Where is Nokia in that list? The N900 should be close to there. Started with Symbian, did ok, tried to evolve big time with the N900 and predecesors and Maemo, started to work and Meego, and then Elop happened. The N9 is just a sad swan song.

The strongest twist in that book wasnt that it was in an alternate, "not the real one", history. neither that in some point he travels to our reality. Is that that "real one" isnt our history neither.

In fact, information traveling to the past should be considered proper time travel. Knowing what will really be the future (not guessing or calculating it) and acting according to it is some sort of changing the past (or if falls in 12 monkeys school of time travel, not being able to change it no matter what you do)

I just hope that they don't do to that tale what they did to "Mimsy were the borogoves", another magnificient classic sci-fi story badly raped by today's Hollywood.

If the reality of internet has teached us something (internet is some sort of sci-fi future for the people of 30-40 years ago) is that we should seek for evolution, not revolution. Things will look somewhat normal, not huge break from the past, not aliens walking on the streets, not flying cars, no time machines, but

Touchscreens were the future of input too, but it doesnt replace a good keyboard for writing a lot. Voice recognition was about to be the future of input too, but somehow keyboards, mices and touchscreens are more used.

If we take fictional characters from literature by the amount of money they have or could have, we could start with God, thats pretty easy. Or Santa, taking into account that he gives for free to all children to the world very expensive toys, every year

You see those colors are ordered, at least in the rainbow. But then the question would be why the rainbow is read from left to right and not in the other direction.

Is more important than just a hole to fill the need of those words. We notice the world as we have words to describe it, if we don't have words with the right meaning attached we can not notice things or have the wrong associations to what we see. That goes from only seeing 7 colors in the rainbow to being better

There is a little difference between sayings that plants do something that we could label as smart, and that the plants are smart. You don't want The Happening 2 or even worse alternatives. Think that Schiaparelli said that he saw "canali" in mars, and we are still getting movies about martian civilizations more than

The actual way is not a real sample of the citizens of a country, the sample is rigged toward the ones that invest big amounts of money and time in campaings to earn later even more money or power (that gives them money too), or the ones that get financed with big money because they will pay back with "special favors"

That they do things that we would count as smart if ourselves had to develop an strategy to fight those problems dont meant that they are smart. In evolution, the ones that by random developed a mutation that enables them to survived till now, all those millons of years. But wasnt being "smart". Just was time and a

Probably the balance of masses in the solar system won't be broken so would be no impact on earth orbit, or energy input from sun, or things like that.