
Trusting any american based company with your data, specially in american servers, is stupidity. The government, and in particular (for good or worse) the people working for them can have access to your private data, or at least is doing everything pushing laws to be able to do so.

So for this Nokia ditched its future instead of betting on Maemo/Meego? At least they had a chance with Android to survive, but if this fails (and all points in that direction) is all over for them.

There are just 3 dimensions in the same way that we have just 5 senses. We can feel balance, heat, internal pain, humidity and so on, but we discard them as senses, even if suggested about a sixth sense we think in mystical ones.

Considering that even your language skew your perceptions (how many colors you see in the rainbow?) that being upside down shakes up things is not so weird.

The easy answer is "that it becomes legal to download media".

Some of the meaning of such signals could be more cultural than built in, to make it worse.

Eureka already reinvented itself big time going to the past and changing the timeline. Not sure how much they will reinvent themselves this season to match that.

That remembers me one of the April Fool's best jokes: πfs []

I give you my Bat'leth when you take it from my cold, dead hands

In the same series Piccolo would have been a better option. But more into science fiction T1000, Kzintis, Klingons, or even humans are other examples.

Why healthy have to mean only "low calories"? Wine (specially red one) also have resveratrol, that seem to have some nice impact on health too, and other substances.

Sometimes you could explain by malice what looks like stupidity. A looking-similar domain name could be used to do attacks, social engineering, planting malware or a lot more. You put there a file in a site that looks enough like the real one, and people won't have a lot of concerns on download and execute them, and

A lot of science fiction in the 60's (and before, and a lot after) had us with some planets in this and other solar systems colonized, built, and with big cities by now. If serious science fiction authors tough that it could be possible, why not them?

Put the focus not in the exercise, but in the environment. Hear music and even follow its rythm, enjoy the view, fresh air, wind, or even smell of where you are, enjoy the company, or even compete against them. Exercising for exercising is boring, do something else fun or at least not boring, and have exercising as a

I call it "The Teela effect". Getting the images was pure luck, not knowing the future.

Looks like a cultural thing, something that could differ in different places and times, and could change fast enough. Do the same poll for tattooed people and maybe 15-20 years ago the reactions would had been pretty different than now.

At first got puzzled by the question if nuking a city would be good or would be bad... then recalled that in that city there are al lot of politicians.

Most (all?) of the list don't even belong to the same league than Plan 9 from Outer Space. Is like comparing 1 apple with a ton of oranges. Putting it against The Happening, the closest competitor, still is badly unfair.

Could be that you chew less very spicy food, so less get processed in the end? Something more about mechanic than about chemistry?

More things usually associated with red meat (i.e.fat) could be the ultimate culprit, and that don't have to mean that lean cuts increase your chances to death,