Better Devils, Hardlight, and random sword or sniper for PVE and for PVP unless it’s a wide open map. Then Mida and Mida and what’s a power weapon again?
Better Devils, Hardlight, and random sword or sniper for PVE and for PVP unless it’s a wide open map. Then Mida and Mida and what’s a power weapon again?
Safe to say the only resemblance to the TV show is the name?
It hasn’t. The post I linked was to show the potential. It could have happened. The fact that flight survived was a testament to skilled and professional pilots, an over engineered plane, excellent maintenance, and a really healthy dose of luck.
The recap was great. The fifteen minutes of on-hold music last night wasn’t bad either.
Turbulence can rip the wings off a plane. If they exceed G the G specifications on the fuselage bad things can occur.
Finn and Solo were holding blasters to her head.
Hell, as a Michigan fan I approve this message. If you heap misery on others don’t be surprised when they shovel it back.
He provided charity as soon as it became apparent not providing charity would harm his revenue stream.
I said it yesterday in an unrelated post. The Lions are more sad-sack than the Browns because the Browns are an expansion team. Yes, they’ve existed for 18 years but that’s a High School Senior. The Lions are the corpse of someone’s great-grandfather.
But the Lions tomorrow. Who are not, regardless of their record, good. In fact, I claim they are more sad sack than the Browns because the Browns are an expansion team. Granted they’re an 18 year old expansion team but they’re just getting to college. The Lions have great-grandchildren and are actually dead.
Do you think they got IP slapped because the movie studio is going to use Flashpoint to make Batfleck go away?
So Wayne, with a stated IQ of 192, passes Einstein’s estimated IQ by 12-32 points. At the 145 mark we are dealing with a 1 in 400 mind.
I would guess they would not be in wereform at all. I suspect the change is initiated due to light reflected by Luna passing through Terra’s atmosphere and magnetosphere.
Your grammar nazi forgot the period.
FSM dammit. Carrie Fisher is still dead and we’re still in the worst timeline.
I thought the same thing watching but he looked bad on that last climb. He was losing his man’s wheel the entire time. He may have mechanical-ed after the going off but he was hurting.
I don’t know about Revolution but the Lions killed the NFL for me. Haven’t watched anything but the past 3 super bowls. If they make the super bowl, I’ll watch. So I will never see another lions game. My children will not be lions fans. I have broken the cycle.
70 C? What circle of hell do you work in? Literally.
Spider-Gwen is the DLC.