gmporschenut also a fan of

What cowboy Bebop has been telling us for years

Don’t forget that Starlink’s “disposable” satellites are depleting the ozone layer too when they reach end of life after 5 years in space lol.

Why anyone would want to buy a car from a company that proudly states it is not a car company is beyond me!

The Model S absolutely still looks terrible compared to a Taycan.

Build quality at cheap Chinese toy levels is not what I look for in a $100K car as well. My Model S traded his first one for a new one because, and I quote “it felt like it was going to implode”, and the second one was WORSE. He very happily has a pair of E-Stangs today after getting fed up with four Teslas in total

Refreshing cars by taking away signal / shifter stalks, not actually changing the exterior and having a stupid yoke (X/S) has to be a big part of it. On top of the not wanting to buy a car from Musk. I’m sure the general trend against sedans is also hurting the 3 / S. 

Remember when Trump and his base made fun of any politicians who actually used teleprompters?

If the 1/2 the country that never votes would vote, if the left would get off their “have to be perfect from birth” high horse and support candidates that are younger. If the not pro christo-fascist dictatorship fiscal conservatives would find their spines and balls and run the orange menace into a jail cell, THEN we

The reference to independence meant the American Revolution and not the Civil War.

The good Governor also breathlessly held a press conference to proclaim that he had decided to build a two billon dollar arena for the nearby NBA and NHL teams, with state financial guarantees, but without checking with the actual state financiers in the legislature. To which Senate Finance and Appropriations

Helps when the media gives him nonstop coverage and adopts a “We need to show both sides” point of view.  Or that he never, ever gets called out on his stances.  We are less than 6 months out from an election and the GOP has absolutely no policy stances.  He has no plan on healthcare, on infrastructure, on

Before we do that, can we require that China drop all their EV’s subsidies/incentives on their cars being imported into the US? Or are you a big fan of imbalanced markets?

Fascist.  Not communist.  Think of Hitler.  The comparison is valid. 

Oh, so it’s like how Operation Warp Speed was amazing and beautiful when Trump did it, but then when he lost the 2020 election the vaccines became bad?

Thought you dipshits didn’t want to benefit China?

What if he also removes all the subsidies to oil companies?

He is just saying this because his rural cult sees EVs, wind and solar as cultural genocide. They want their manly gas powered lifestyle to continue forever. 

I love that you’re so stupid you’re literally out here advocating that the powers that be increase the prices of vehicles just because the TV told you they’re bad. 

Analysts predict widespread EV adoption will continue to develop regardless of Donald Trump’s actions