gmporschenut also a fan of

By the time the trucks shipped, we knew what Elon Musk is like. So yeah, it’s like flying a swastika. Or at least a Confederate bumper sticker, with a white hood hanging in a dry cleaning bag in the back.

Carter tells the paper he has never been a fan of the limelight,

Cybertruck owner has a cannabis business. That tracks. What doesn’t track is that he likes to be different but is also shy, and those three facts don’t jibe. He thought he was gonna be king bro with a CT and is disappointed by the harsh reality of the many people with eyes that see in his city, and who instinctually re

yes, but pointing and laughing is definitely ok

They remind me of a test vehicle that is trying to hide the real truck under it during testing. 

I just want to know if this car was filed as a business expense.

Saw one in the Costco parking lot yesterday. They look so much worse in person. 

Yeah, and tied with the oh-so-coincidental fact that he’s a business owner, color me suspicious.

Whether he wants to admit it or not, buying this monstrosity IS an attention seeking move.

Oh man, remember when he said Teslas were going to *appreciate* in value after buying them?

I so wish Koenigsegg had managed to resurrect Saab as their “basic” brand.

Layoff-happy CEOs genuinely don’t seem to understand that the people who leave on their own in these situations are not the deadwood, it’s the people who will have the easiest time finding another job. And that’s generally better employees. The deadwood holds on to their jobs like grim death.

“I keep waiting for Elon to send another email and tell us they’re finally done firing people,” one current Tesla worker, who requested anonymity to speak on the conditions of their employment, said. “We need some level of closure or a sign that we can stop worrying about losing our jobs.”

Change regulation to code.

Here’s what I think is needed. Not regulations but a code.

Didn’t one of their own safety officers refuse to certify the vehicle? And the company that made the port window? Forget regulations - they couldn’t even convince their own people to get on that death trap.

“Regulations are written in blood.” Or in this case, tons of tiny little giblets.

Ironically, the answer to your last sentence is in your first sentence!

This is why regulations are necessary. Not all make sense, and can be adjusted or tweaked - but regulations often prevent the tragedies like this one caused by hubris.