gmporschenut also a fan of

How dare politicians focus on bridges that carry thousands of people every day when a embryo, somewhere probably, might be terminated? Why protect hundreds of actual people from peril when you can save one hypothetical, theoretical clump of tissue instead?

For those who don’t know, virtually all construction standards date back many decades, then pieces have gotten added/modified over time. Since the vast majority of standards do not need to change decade to decade, there’s no reason to be re-writing entire code books like a college textbook trying to juice their

Understood. The bigger issue that I see from Tesla’s crappy design work is using the battery pack as the floor. As this will be the source of leaks and more importantly the source of horrible burns when a foreign object pierces the battery pack like a piece of pipe, fence post or exhaust pipe. But then due to Tesla

If your ICE vehicle has a 15-gallon gas tank, but you can never put in more than 7.5 gallons, I think you’d be shocked and angry...

Well, considering it falls well short of the promised range back in 2019 (or so), yes, people expect that they at least tried to get the promised range.

Yes, yes they are. Because they expect the promised range, and that is how Tesla calculated that range. There is no defending this.

Likely heat dissipation and/or fire blocking so if one cell goes, it doesn’t create thermal runaway to ignite the whole pack.

no you misunderstood I was the lead engineer, I was in charge of putting lead in the thing to ummm reduce vibrations !

Tesla made a stupid design decision? I’m shocked, shocked I say!

“... one of the Cybertruck’s lead engineers...”

Shareholders can’t do anything unless they’re on the board, and the board is made up of Musk’s hand-picked toadies. Musk will be at Tesla until he runs it into the ground.

Probably a little of both, sprinkled with a lot of investor backing.

Yes, I think the charging infrastructure is a big market advantage. Telsa is going to charge Ford, VW, GM, etc. owners something to use their Supercharger network. I think the usage charges on the Supercharging system might end up making a lot more money than people realize and will drive down the PE ratio without the

The next gen model s and 3 would be the CyberS and Cyber3. It would essentially be the same cars just reskined cyber truck style to get maximum attention. 

Brings into question whether he was truly a visionary or just extremely lucky. He’s trying branding like “Trump” and now, most things that are labeled with that end up in the shitter.

In Elon’s defense, being such a spectacular asshole is a full time job.

They should be GLAD he’s splitting his time between other companies. Imagine what a shitshow Tesla would be if he focused 100% of his ineptitude there; they’d be selling 2-dimensional, 3 wheeled utes with no manual controls and made from transparent aluminum.

Yup. I hate Sundays. I “sleep-in” until about 730AM and then do a few things, blink, look at the clock and it’s 430PM. Then proceed to sleep like shit because the dread of work tomorrow.

To be fair, I’m surprised that it took such a long time for any slow down in the full size truck market. I really believe that cost is the issue and that manufacturers hit the market’s limit.

1st Gear: Not only are pickup trucks obscenely expensive, they’re too damn big. I got rid of my full size GMC Sierra in January and don’t miss it a bit. My kids are all driving themselves and my house no longer needs a bunch of fixing. I still posit that trucks of the early 00s were the perfect size. Big enough to be