gmporschenut also a fan of

I still think they have something said from the original negotiation or discovery thats incredibly damaging to his case. Along the lines of “you know there are some bots” ”who cares, i want it anyway

I recommend it for people in the market to try out 5-6 back to back to get a goo idea how they like the interior etc, to narrow down options.

it doesn’t make them gay it turns them into females

I was seeing a girl who was her dads 4th with his first wife, then he had another wife and kid, then another wife, then another wife and kid. the ending of the relationship was me going “its a shame he wont be around” “what do you mean?” me:”Shes 35 and hes soon going to get bored and move on.” Its a series of

the man isn’t very bright

At a small town car show. there is a 356 parked next to an excaliber.  30ish year old woman walks over “porc sh. never heard of it” (she turns looks at excaliber “this is from a time when cars, were CARS” I’ll forever have that burned into my brain 

On wiki Skifs were sold to saudi arabia and algeria

because he can’t step down. how does a mob boss walk away? 

dining table and every meal still has to be ordered from one of the ships resturants as private kitchens are banned for fire safety. 

best is a stretch, especially the early ones. They were reliable and plentiful and the later -85 could hold their own but it was a game of one upmanship. you would really have to pick a time and place. 

solution, throw it in with the soldiers. 

Do you always march around with a 5 gallons of fuel?

seems like reason #6,237 why teenagers shouldn’t be in the olympics.

they tried pushing that on one of the networks in the states. it was like b-movie version of wheelers dealers

I would pu tthem tied with Americn hot Rod in terms of perfecting the fake “oh my god we have to get this ___ finished for nexts week auction’

The very first season they were doing every everything, frames tank custom stuff adn driving 5-10 year old pickups and a tiny shop. By season 3 , brand new trucks, giant sho and grabbing crap off shelves, and adding knick knacks for whoever is sponsoring.

A great podcast that points this out is Knowledge Fight. they started going through a bunch of old episodes early 2000s and he and his ilk are full bore sovereign citizens just thinly veiled behind this weird christian nationalism. He doesn’t want to just defund the police, he wants to abolish them and replace with

Also teh fine print on what is and isn’t classified as “severe” duty. It used to be towing a camper in arizona, but for most manufacturers to get longer service intervals that has become more mainstream.

Spa is only second to Indy in worst non race BS.