gmporschenut also a fan of

for every situation like bellingcat finding the tehran missle launch site, you’re going to get 100 wackos from 4 chan

Back in the early 90s, my second cousin inherited my great grandmothers 71 lincoln continental to drive 4 hours home. well it had a failing fuel pump but was the stereotypical sunday driver. he got 3/4 way home on the interstate till he hit a local sine wave of hills. It was then that he found out the pump didn’t have

did the same thing in college. woke up to a snowstorm and empty fridge. thought well the storms only going to get worse. made my way through campus to gett some stuff out of my car, not too bad but the wind was insane. Then walk to the tiny market. storm getting worse. warm up while I’m in there for 15 minutes, but

Its not even a new machine. Its a 1/3 of the cross sectional area of a normal tunnel. thats one of the reasons its so cheap

here’s uranus with a rocky core

I work for a small engineering firm and we run into that all the time. one person who always wants to empty out the storage and goes to the senior manager “can we chuck this? its from 2008" (senior man. looks at it sees how expensive it is.) “thats a hihgly specific piece of equipment, we paid a lot for that....., i

Mercedes had an unfair advantage for the whole second half of the season by running their engine in the red, giving them over a second a lap for the first couple races of each engine, then taking the meaningless penalty and being in front again by lap 5 with a brand new engine when they burned out the old..”

yeah indirectly. for drivers and teams sponsorshio think how many millions of Verspaten/RB shirts theyre going to sell. not a reason to argue to the fia, but a motivation to pursue legal action.

Theres a shitload of money on to be paid on where drivers/teams finish, so there is a lot of reason to take it to court. 

Top: white MDX

dont care about MTS, dont care about brundle, can Buxton return? 

I love these weird finds

The military can move a crazy amount of stuff, but these container ships carry orders of magnitude more stuff. best use would be for traffic control 

the issue is all of those features require sensors that must be connected calibrated to the cpu. I’m not saying the farmer can’t figure out how to swap something out, its that if he wants the drivetrain to be adjusting to eak out that last 1% fuel gain he better know how to tweak the software himself.

those farmers are also demanding gps guided rigs that can be run 24/7 during harvest time, to optimize every last bit of grain while tracking production. there is a mismatch of all the features they want hitting hitting the wall of what they used to have with lower requirements. 

he was an oppo that stopped after Sergio stepped down.

youd be surprised how many morons buy ___ for $$$$ and think it will be the be all to end all vehicle, yet get stuck on the first hill because they have no clue what low range is for. and after he got a knighthood