gmporschenut also a fan of

IIRC both the rav4 and highlander have the battery in the trunk, so it would require redesigning the rear of the vehicle. Given how long in the tooth it is, that would mean spending money. and i don’t think they want to do that that on fewer than 40k units a year

The problem is all passenger vehicles pale in comparison to the wear an 18wheeler does. 

no1 rule of drug smuggling is don’t use your own product.

Whats interesting is many in the GOP aren’t even denying it anymore, but that doing anyting is “too expensive”. 

Johnson isn’t unhinged like trump. Its inaccurate to say that johnson is to tthe same degree as trump, but in the past hes had no issue with dog whistles vs trumps bullhorn. Or the populist trope of pretenting to care, while doing a complete 180 of his parties principles for his own boost.

it still confuses me the demographic that slap “Infidel” stickers to their pickups drives the largest fuel inefficient vehicles boosting petro states. 

“we’ve got truckers beached on the side of the highway because they’ll get slapped with fines if their datalogger says they’ve gone one minute past their allowed driving time,”

Going off Manwich, in previous years there was complaints that some of the premium lights were just brighter as a sales tool, with little improvement in downroad functionality. 

I haven’t seen it in a decade, but I don’t recall ncis being that bad. Now Seal team, thats a garbage heap of cliches 

not that crazy. Fat Tony was based off Tony Salerno. he controlled all the concrete projects in Manhattan, and no stranger for witnesses disappearing.

My previous set of nokians on the volt were unstoppable. hoping the new nordmans ae the same. 

Maybe because they were banking their success in 2020 on too much grey area of the rules?

In my area, they’re driven by some 40year old with wrap around sunglasses, with music volume set to douche, cruising around at 20mph. 

An internal party strife led the UK to holding a referendum. the options were stay or leave. However “leave” was really a mix of 6 different options, all with a list of pros and cons per option. Leave was selected, and @4 years of dicking around as the party that started it, couldn’t agree what path to take. Finally

And hes now based in Singapore. 

the storage constraints aren’t that crazy

Once a POU receives a thermal shipper with our vaccine, they have three options for storage: