gmporschenut also a fan of

Probably lower than you would expect. Main issue with F1 is the cars set for max downforce, which increases drag.

When we come out of the COVID-fueled depression” I would think demand would increase, increasing the price of oil.

If its done properly, you don’t even have to give up that much. My family has been doing little cookouts, every group has their quadrant off the firepit. If you go in the house, you have to wear a mask, stay 10feet apart. really simple. then my retired boomer uncle shows up and has to be the asshole cant follow the

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Interesting how they made the sound effect.

Tradition? I dont think i ever saw them till 5 years ago, did they exist before? They then seemed to appear at every winga dinga meet.

There is difference between supporting china, and thinking this is a hamfisted approach. If only there was a multinational Pacific partnership with 700mil+ people with labour, IP, enviomental standards the could join to join to counter china.

better than nothing

given the demographic I bet mask usage will be <10%

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if you go back and forward when he goes over the chicane, you can see a bunch of sparks, that get much worse on the next chicane 0;10 .

do you use the mothers spray?

do you use the mothers spray?

I dont believe the original versions were built to land on runways. though they had wheels to get in/out of the water for storage/repair. Thus a flying boat, that later versions became amphibious.

because pickups outsell sports cars probably 50:1. thus the focus on the vehicle that is the majority of car sales.

It certainly isn’t helping. The 747 and a380s have been on borrowed time for a while. The problem is filling up those two with passengers vs running 2 medium aircraft and having more flexibility to schedule. 

ford will sell nissans annual USA Z production in about 2 days of f150s.

i seem to recall from a koenigsegg article the number is really like 5-10 units to crash. It was brought up because the test car they sent was so strong they could use the same vehicle for all the tests.

this feels like a c. Bulk it up with some multicolored graphs

some data could still be used. the longer lead time would be gearing up for manufacturing it. that is why several of the vaccines are already in production for if they get the green light. 

option 3: UK is over a barrel jan 1 with brexit and need anything they have to negotiate. 

They take up extra space and material.