gmporschenut also a fan of

Problem is how are you going to make the hydrogen? Most cost effective way is from natural gas, releasing co2 in the process. Not good for the enviroment, Second is producing on site from the grid, but you loose eneergy in transfering from one form to another chemical/wind etc energy->electricity-> hydrogen.

the problem is the chassis really has to be designed from the start with the propulsion in mind. optimize for gas, and no room for batteries,. That and volt really was a stopgap as battery tech advanced. Gm reveiled the menlo in China. With US rumored later this year for 2021 (2022my) release.

The city next door has an older armored van from the 80s. My dads friend used to be the driver and it would only get dragged out a couple times a year for cases. (it would be brought out for other display events) There are valid reasons to have one. What gets preverse is how departments are rewarded in state and

this is as bad as the g6 gxp

Theres an easier way to get fit

Especially with bojo stating no Delay in December

Is jalopnik on the hook when you kill someone? 

So i should hire maldonado?

Northrops N1m flew in 1940

Northrop flew this in 1929.

Lion has about 3.5 times energy density of lead acid, can take 10 times the number of charge cycles, and is 15% more efficient in storing energy.

There is a push to use them to store wind/solar energy to level out spikes/disruptions to the grid. A big challenge had been quantifying the actual capacity of the battery. A battey that may only hold 50% charge from when it was created, is still useful in harvesting energy that would have gone wasted. 

I have a couple friends that used to go every week. One had to cut back, and the other stopped going on weekend due to the sketchy handling of some of the spray and pray.

The amount of trailer inspections before was sketchy and inadequate.  

They make too much money for the range. 

at least you can spend money. Our IT has been pushing for load of fixes as the system is just a series of bandaids for the last couple years. When it finally sank in this wouldn’t be a couple weeks, the owner was like ok lets go forward with some of these, and I guess whats come down the grapevine the cost is now

I would imagine it depends how close the magma can to the water and if there is an unobstructed path to the surface.