gmporschenut also a fan of

From a manufacturer I wonder how much that boosts parts and R&d sharing that harley can’t take advantage of. 

kind of steady, but there are a glut of used motorcycels on the market, so a 15-20k bike is hard to justify. 

Ford should sell the Jimny under licence as the Pony.

“About 10,000 babies were born to a foreign resident in 2017, the latest year that data is available, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Already wealthy from a chinese or russian standpoint. From what I understand there are a number of cases of them then taking advantage of low income benefits, thus abusing the system for low income US residents, and stiffing everyone else.

because in your example, output doubled, but in the scenario that isn’t useful they’d sack one of the people. So for that person automation is something they should be afraid of. 

you’re not going to have a technician, standing around waiting for that machine to break down. Youre going to have 1 tech overseeing the machines previously operated by 5+ workers. 

I would disagree

Not everyone was in the bunkers. there were still perimeter guards out.

I I bought a car off a family member for the same thing. Dealer was offering pennies due t on All the minor surface scratches.  Everything done at the dealer but only washed once a year. That first cost of wax was like rubbing wax on sandpaper.  

I don’t know if it would be apples to apples. In germany for every 335 there are probably ten times the number of base 316 or 318s with cloth interior.

There was an interesting CNBC special on bmw @6 years ago snd a great question “how do you remain prestigious, when you’re at 50% in some neighborhoods?”

When you get burned one time too many. High school me was all over VW group products, but was burned by a 98 Jetta. As great as the GTI is I cant bring myself to buy one.

nope thats still going on. though now so many have the capability the advantage has mostly dropped.

How do you make wine from a raisin

In the dealers defense,