gmporschenut also a fan of

No, but this is America, where they don’t even know what they have, while complaining how much they just spent.

My boss can’t drive or shit, and whenever we see a client he has to drive whichever luxuray car he picks. The whole trip is 55-70 pulls till he get on the ass of the next car and breaks. sometimes i think of taking a seasickness pill beforehand.

where do you live that you’re 3 hours away from a service station?

when we were young we were going on vacation the day a giant snowstorm hit the east coast. We got to the airport at 4am and were the only flight of a handful to take off at 6. Crossed the country with a row to ourselves. 

i think it depends on the pod and the device. There was a bbc investigation on the devices and they can give huge variations in quantity of nicotine they are delivering. 

I think its to get patrons to eat faster

What is fascinating the difference in coverage between the U.K. and USA news, where in the U.K. the question of NI/Ireland is brushed off or framed in “Why is the EU doing this to us.” Whereas The US has a substantial percent of descendants of Irish origin

there is kind of a vaccine, but its impractical for forests, but can save some monitored trees.

The wto most certainly has something to do with the border. Before the WTO was formed in 1995 Ireland and the U.K. were part of the common travel area. Custom checks weren’t required to meet The WTO rules when they came into effect, this a hard customs border was not required.

What are you talking about?

At that point it isn’t between the EU and the UK, but the EU. UK, and WTO.

the problem with that plan is, given his crappy handling, no one trusts Corbyn.

Its been interesting watching bloomberg news. Back in Feb “no deal is suicide, no government would do it” followed by in May, lets flip a coin.

I have family that used to be in construction and the question they would always ask is “how do these businesses cook the books to emplioy them?”. people come here for jobs, so someone is hiring them. 

I agree with teh first half,

Some are excited about. 

if you’re 60 years old. and have no savings, and dump the only hunk of money you do have into a renovation, that is a stupid move as any major expenditure that pops up means selling your house.

I know too many boomer gen Xers that went right back to their old ways. One semi retired, 60, inheireted a bit of money and are now blowing it all renovating their bathroom and kitchen.

With the giant glut of used cars on the market I think in the short term it could be very bad.