gmporschenut also a fan of

Check the age of the battery. if its over 5 years or older budget for a new one.


yeah it was around that time they tried to make a big push into my area, and I believe set up a distribution center close and were trying to undercut ups/fedex. So anytime I ordered online they became the default. it was such a pain in the ass. I would track packages til they hit one center, then watch them go 3 hours

america is truly a wonderful place when a person who doesn’t even know how to button a jacket can become president.

TIL dhl still does business in the US.

Man invents cars, cars burn dinosaurs,.. 

My only gripe with mine, is I wish it was a full hatch or wagon

about 5mins for 360 miles on gas?

still like this one

-4 or -6?

because the presidency has been slowly accumulating power for 80 years. Meanwhile congress is more than happy to hand it over as they can then wipe thier hands clean of any responsibility, and have a 50%chance of go against it in the next electon cycle.

part of that is to advertise the lowest amount.

The biggest problem is industrialization has brought a clear labor trend in splitting labor into higher and lower skill jobs. There used to be a craftsman, but that switched to an engineer and a line worker. As manufacturing and many other jobs become more automated we’ve seen many of the lowest skill jobs mechanized.

I assume it’s the same zinc coating a lot of oems have been putting on to reduce corrosion. Comes off after a few hard start stops. 

Is the interior fancy enough for Fancy Kristen?

Your exhibit A includes an Elise which has been on par with Boxster in terms of cost.

Leon me, when you’re not strong
And I’ll be your friend
I’ll help you carry on

10years ago i would have agreed, but have you tried stuffing new SUVs with stuff? All the rear windows are at a 45deg angle that cuts back on the cargo volume.