gmporschenut also a fan of
Now playing

Generations are made up for people to sell books.

I had a co=worker looking for a car for a relative. She only has $2k availible, but all the cars have rust on them!

I have an extended family member who is retired. His comment is “people watch too many movies.” In a panic situation, at 7 feet, 50% on a target is a good score.

thanks for the info

they might have had to double back on the same stretches than previous games, in order to compress the track area.

wow thats a clusterfuck

I’ll have to boot this back up. I gave up on bf1 when the chat screen was just swamped with racist trolls.

think how much more business they would get if I didn’t have to do this?

$2 bill still exists

as wikileaks trys to cover up russian leaks, like people involved in the panama papers that won’t happen.

“why sell it for a million to the cia, when TMZ will pay 10mil?”

I just reread hells angles andttrying to find the quote found this article it really is interesting to see the parallel to a rising counter movement.

2 shooting ranges near me require nra membership to become full member, though I don’t know how anecdotal that is that could skew numbers.

3 doors down. even lamer

Do they turn the frogs gay?