Just spen’t 300$ on the ultimate collection, For all Mr.Tabata San hard work on this project and this surely feel’s like the FF we been waiting for decades!
Just spen’t 300$ on the ultimate collection, For all Mr.Tabata San hard work on this project and this surely feel’s like the FF we been waiting for decades!
got a treadmill on ebay for 120$ and it’s been working for ages lol got it way back in 2008 and still runing well and it’s best thing u can ever do for yourself is to get one work out in the comfort of your home and watch out with what u eat and your good. gaming it after that lol
been doing cardio like crazy and it dose help alot but have to know how to eat as well to make it work right.
you have no clue where to go or you plan to roam all of japan?? lol I’d bet you got over 3k on you if u plan to go here and there.
yeah seem’s that way it was my guess to but will see.
lol so True and am looking at it many times there’s really no connection between the new games and old ones. it’s just a nintendo saying there is a connection.
Well I’d saw a week ago with some guys who stream it on twitch and wasen’t amazed, that this is a hint for release maybe this year or possible next year but it’s gonna be on wii u and not NX as some are saying.
No it’s still there from what i seen jp player’s already in to it.
had no problems with the sprites on remake of FFVI and it wasen’t a disgrace but to some are just to picky. and Seiken Densetsu gaiden is the mother that was between born of FF but end up as star of the Seiken Densetsu , which is the mana series.
Japan is very popular with fire emblem, at the moment there’s 2 new 3DS that’ I’d seen here sold alot but yeah anyways fire emblem is so favor by many and japan, so it’why we see many characters in smash.
same here and i get them in japan toy R us for only 1,200yen which is 12$ in the states and sometimes 1,000yen with my Toy R us card here in kobe seaside.