Turns out that Matt conveniently left out the beginning of that video where he sideswipes her and nearly hits a cyclist
Turns out that Matt conveniently left out the beginning of that video where he sideswipes her and nearly hits a cyclist
We offered 5% more than asking and wrote a letter. We met the seller, and she told us the deciding factor to take our offer was that my wife was an educator as was the seller’s father. I believe there were offers for more than 5% over, but she took ours.
Using no more then 30% per card is a big fact that alot of credit “coaching” sites forget to mention. When I was building my credit I thought I was being smart by consolidating my debt to 1- 2 cards to reduce the amount of payments I needed to make and couldn't understand why my score dropped and stayed there despite…
Yes, it can be done.
Teslas are not luxury cars. Expensive does not mean luxury. Their fit and finish is far below true luxury car status. Perhaps the next Model S will fix that.
The Tesla fit and finish is not luxury. They are not a luxury automobile maker in any sense. Their interiors are fine. Their technology is great and their cars may be expensive but they are not luxury.
I’m not a wizened financial genius, but I do have 6-figures in debt. I also have an idea, NOT IN REPLACEMENT TO THIS, just in general:
This, if he ever wants to be a lawyer again he can’t spill anything good.
Facts Have a Well-Known Liberal Bias
Frisco is a place in Texas, not Northern California.
the rules often change... and never for the better.
We’ll build medicare for all and Mexico will pay for it
I would just say “Mexico will pay for it”. That appeared to work for the current president, that conned his cult.
Most pro-choice men would probably secretly agree they’re glad Plan B and abortion exist.’
I, quite frankly, am amazed that this has to be explained or positioned in this day and age, but until a man can have a fetus and embryo implanted into his body and undergo the damage the body takes during pregnancy and childbirth, he has no say over the rights of the female body. I can’t stress this enough but no…
I’m sure there is a representative number of attorneys on Jalopnik, like any profession. It’s just disproportionately represented in the comments to this piece because Aaron’s take is so far off base it’s hard for a lawyer to not say something.
Putting aside the high dudgeon you wrote this article in, you are completely incorrect. Is it unfair in life that bad things happen? Yes, go ask Melville in Moby Dick, but not all unfair things are illegal or have the same culpability.
Found the Plaintiffs attorney. Give me a break bub, this was textbook negligence; this statute requires something beyond that. You want attorneys fees in ALL negligence cases? Get a different law passed.
Yes, and he’s right. The statute is design to punish worse dealers who go “Oh, we changed your oil and replaced your fuel filter,” but didn’t DO that. It is not designed to punish ordinary negligence in “oh, we changed your oil, but did it poorly.” One represents a fraud on the customer, the other is just negligent.