
It’s irrelevant. Twitter is a dead man walking and will be in BK within the next 12 months. The only question is whether the fatal final blow will be from the FTC or the EU.

Per Tesla, they aren’t a car company, they’re a technology company. All tech companies are down, but shouldn’t be happy where they sit on the scale...

“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity

Mini Cooper S. Turbo charged BMW go-cart. Lots of fun, not enough power to get in trouble, easy to park anywhere and anywhere. Can fit 2 friends in the back but not for extended distances. Not big enough to fool around in. Win-win for a parent I’d say

That’s not the Peter Principle. Ordinarily, a person is promoted to a higher level based upon how well they’ve done on the lower level (which doesn’t mean they’ll do well at the higher level). This repeats until eventually the worker is promoted to a position that they cannot do well. You’re not promoted for

The primary benefit of a shorter charge time isn’t the convenience of the person using the charger. It’s the increased ability for a charging location to process customers through.

Day time rates are dirt cheap. Evening rates are high. Midnight and later rates come back down.

You're a muppet 

A set of jumper cables, a cigarette port powered tire pump, digital tire pressure gauge and extra batteries, gloves, and shop towels. Keep it in a small bag in your trunk at all times.

Alfa has a reputation for poor build quality. As beautiful as they are and as fantastic as they drive, I wouldn’t ever buy one. Their reputation is even worse than a used German out of warranty...

R56 era Mini Cooper S is the way to go. They’re turbo-charged BMW go-carts, that era is fairly reliable but still maintains the smaller proportions before Mini’s got massive, and if you don’t like convertibles then they’re more fun than a Miata.

“anything you say can be used against you in a court of law”

The first time you have to do a local tow, your membership pays for itself. But if you have to go more than 5 miles? Wowee be prepared for a hefty bill. Hence the membership and 300 miles of tows. Of course, actually using it will take an hour or longer in wait times. But I’ve been able to get cars towed 100+ miles

#9- Not realizing at the time you got married, that “marriage” is just a business relationship legally recognized by the state, that confers rights and obligations, that can be very expensive to wind down.

If you’re a single income household, the breadwinner isn’t the only person “working.” The stay-at-home spouse has a full-time 24/7 job of maintaining the house and raising the children (and forgoing their own career options) so that the breadwinner doesn’t need to focus on any of those logistic items and can just

My wife and I do both. We have separate accounts for our personal expenses and allowance, and a joint account/CC for joint expenses (that we fund in equal percentages). The zelle back and forth grew tiresome and burdensome and lead to tit for tat. If my share of dinner was 60% of the total plus tax/tip, etc. why is

The best frame of mind is to think of a relationship as a business partnership. This isn’t to say it should be cold and platonic, but that there are a TON of logistics that need to be considered for a fruitful union. You both need to take care of yourself, your partner, and your business. You need to play to each

I would have loved the Stinger. If it had 3 pedals and was sold by one of their sister dealers instead. The K5 is also fantastic. It would also benefit from being sold as a different brand

If you want to drive a go-cart why not just get a go-cart?

It piggybacks off solar. If you’re primarily charging your car at home and/or work, then you seldom need to go to a charging station