
I never cared about noise until I moved into a place near a Harley Dealership. Jesus H Christ, loud enough to wake the dead at 7am

The better play would be a partner with all the major players for Apple to design the car UI. Every car in the portfolio would need to meet the same minimum standards, screens and control inputs, but based on the trim it would have more or fewer features (night vision mode would only be on the higher trim cars that

That’s how they break into new areas. Partnering with someone, learning the new business, and then breaking off. They did this with the iPhone, partnering first with Motorola for the Rokr itunes phone, then with AT&T with the iPhone. No established auto manufacturer is dumb enough to partner with Apple for a car.

There’s a difference between writing something defamatory entirely yourself and it being published in your own name, and writing a draft for someone else that they will adopt, re-write and publish under their own name.

Post-update, this is hilarious! At launch, they could have modified the existing BMW manual transmission to include, but didn’t. Then the Z is announced and makes huge waves for having 3 pedals. Toyota does an about face, announces they’re also going to launch a MTX Supra and then tries to get credit for doing

The 2.0 Supra needs to die. Their lineup is too cluttered. Keep the 3.0 as your halo car, and offer a higher trim 86 (which people have been clamoring for years anyways) with 250+HP.

There’s a huge difference between being a small indie spending 6 years building a game with your limited resources, (or even being a large developer with unlimited resources), but following your vision...and then the quagmire that this is. Red Dead 2 took this long. GTA V took this long.

Lots of stuff here. The only thing that matters to the company is shareholder return. That’s the whole purpose of a company, to make money for its shareholders. If the execs don’t deliver, they get fired. And most of exec comp is in shares anyways, so they have an interest in driving share price.

Not that you’re actually asking, but we have 2 dakotas because the GOP was cheating to get extra senators when they were admitting western territories. We have 2 virginias because of the civil war, the western part did not want to secede and instead split and stayed with the union.

Magic Kingdom cost $400M to build in the 70's. They’re not going to spend $10B just to flip a potential presidential candidate the bird. Even assuming you could get past all the environmental hoops to construct something of that size...

It would still cost anywhere from 5-10B to build it from scratch...

Hahahah. It originally cost Disney 400 MILLION dollars just to build the Magic Kingdom. In 1970. That’s not including EPCOT, or any of the other parks in DisneyWorld. That’s a multi-billion dollar middle finger for political purposes. Were you the CEO you’d be fired in a heartbeat for even suggesting it.

It’s not just the billion dollars. It’s also illegal to repay the bonds until 2029. This will never happen, it’s just a typical right wing politician stunt to appeal to his base

All of Netflix’s competitors are more junior. They haven’t been around as long, and they’re still growing and adding subscribers. Netflix has 200M subscribers. Hulu has 40M subscribers. Apple+ has 20M. Guess which companies have an easier time adding new subscribers? Unfortunately, in today’s market GROWTH is the only

In addition to being shit at promotion, they’re also shit at trailers. Don’t ever watch a Netflix trailer, because it’s just a 2 minute synopsis of everything that happens

If you want lightness buy a Lotus

Chip shortages making it impossible for consumers to buy new consoles, coupled with MS push to turn console gaming into PC gaming (it works on your rig, but the better rig you have the better the experience) gave us our current situation. Unfortunately, making a game work across multiple console generations isn’t the

In my trunk is the big ol honkin breaker bar (2ft+) from harbor freight, a cordless impact wrench that gets re-charged monthly, magnetic tray to hold lug nuts, and a widowmaker jack (because the cordless impact wrench fits it). I can literally change the spare in under 5 min flat. The only thing I don’t carry is the

Piracy is not “stealing” as that involves the larceny of personal property. No, piracy is copyright infringement, which is way worse. Statutory penalties for copyright infringement start at $700 a pop. If you make a piece of art, you have the right to use it as you see fit, to sell/license it as you see fit, and to

DeSantis isn’t “smarter” than Trump. He just doesn’t say the quiet part out loud, as much. But he doesn’t seem to have the natural flair for causing harm to outside groups that Trump does. Trump knows what the animals want and is an expert at lobbing them red meat. DeSantis isn’t able to do quite the same, nor are his