
If you have the ability, hardwiring is amazing. Add a cheap wireless AP for $30 a pop, and you’ll have screaming fast internet all throughout.

It’s the Bride’s day in that she gets final say on matters, but the end result is still that you’re throwing a party for guests. Make sure people are comfortable, are fed and watered, but set people’s expectations. 

The article is missing a key component here: “Why doesn’t my wife/long-term partner want to have sex with me when I want it?”

Sure. You’re camped in the left lane on an open highway doing 70 MPH. The speed limit is set at 70, but that has absolutely nothing to do with the engineering limits and safe speed that can be traveled on the road.

It is illegal to go over the speed limit. It is also equally illegal to impair traffic.

All the more reason to teach kids to use them. If your first time is glove-less, it’s hard to transition. Especially as a hormonal teenager when you’re the biggest hedonist in the world. Why do you think there’s so much teenage pregnancy? It’s not the lack of availability of condoms.

There is 0 to be gained by interacting with cops. Even if you’re not ultimately convicted you can get hauled off the jail where you spend a night with some less than desirable sorts, have your car towed ($$$ to get it back), if you have to hire a lawyer to get the charges dropped those are more out of pocket costs you

No, pre-COVID e9x M3's COULD be found for dirt cheap due the rod bearing issue ($3k preventive replacement) and the “sacrilege” of being a V8. Now they’re ridiculously overpriced, even if the driving experience will put a wider smile on your face than any subsequent M3...

The 80M was a MONSTER of a blue wave, driven by a wide variety of groups who had been harmed, belittled, insulted, threatened, etc. by Trump and a continuing Trump presidency, or who were not harmed but scared shitless that Trump would plunge us into nuclear war. But, lets face some sad facts. Dems have a bare

I’ll take Corporate Self-Dealing for $200, Alex...

He’s a lousy real estate developer. But established a colossal media brand. 74 Million voters, that’s more than any other Republican has ever gotten...

The issue is both she and Temuera are both old (he’s 60, she’s almost 60). They can’t do uncut hand to hand fighting scenes like younger actors can, but they didn’t want to just have stunt doubles in helmets do it (because they already have a Mandalorian in a helmet). Which is dumb, just use stunt doubles. Badass

He has no character development. He’s good hearted from the beginning, he’s good hearted at the end. The 4 episodes of flashbacks don’t add any real substance besides his escape from the Sarlaac pit which lasts all of 10 seconds (and him learning to fight using the stick). The rest of the 4 episodes only serve to set

Not really following. RCS is tied to a particular phone number which is tied to your carrier and is yours only for as long as you pay for it.

Ding Ding Ding. The thing to understand with Trump is he’s not a billionaire and he’s in debt up to his eye balls. He needs these various grifts to keep the cash flow coming in. (Billionaires don’t sell frozen steak and bottles of water)

This is so bizarre. Because launching a news network was Trump’s original plan when he lost the 2016 election (he didn’t think he was going to win, he thought he was going to lose, he was going to harp on Fox News for being the reason and for being too left wing, and that he was going to launch his own conservative

Sure, but Hyundai is the parent company. We see rebadging all the time with the American brands. This isn’t too terribly different, but instead of rebading Kia’s greatest cars (and thus eating into their sales), a cross-promotional deal that has the effect of bringing Kia dealership standards up. Kia dealerships not

For the same price you can get a base mustang with 300HP that does 0-60 a full second quicker...

We’re no stranger to “slow car fast” (if you are, test drive an MTX version of either a Miata or Mini S on back roads). But what’s the point of all those looks if its slower than a goddamn Camry? The problem with the 86 ($30k) is the existence of the 2.0 Supra ($40k). The 86 won’t ever get better guts because they’d

What would be a game changer is if Kia allowed certain higher end marquee models (Telluride, Stinger, Ev6, etc) to be sold/serviced through their sister brands.