
It only takes 4 justices to agree to hear a case. Which the right wing has. I concur there have been some crazy decisions in the past, particularly those that were incredibly partisan. But that’s my point, the GOP officials railing against “censorship” and section 230 are complete and utter morons. They changes

SCOTUS justices (like all judges) care about their own power first and foremost. They won’t do anything that will harm their own institutional power and want to ensure status quo. They don’t like court-packing as that dilutes their power. As for faith- don’t forget all the election challenges that went to SCOTUS that

Gotta remember the two camps of GOP. You have the dumb fucks who are in it “for the lolz” as the kids say. Their sole purpose is doing flagrantly unconstitutional things as red meat to their base. Like the Governors in TX/FL- they are trying to be Trump (the problem is they may actually start to believe the garbage

The right wing can attack abortion rights and gay marriage without any blowback or negative ramifications to their own rights. These rights aren’t written into the Constitution, they were declared by the Court. But 1st amendment is far trickier. It’s in the literal text, and this is a case about the government

Vintage and antique, sure. But I’d imagine that’s the exception, not the rule

If your door knob is more than 10 years old and giving you problems, just buy a new one. They’re $20, it takes 5 minutes to install, and you’ll save an hour of your life diagnosing problems.

If you’ve never worked in sales (or bought something from a salesperson) you’d know that people are NOT logical creatures and frequently make decisions that do not maximize their financial best interests.

In certain markets (e.g. CA) it’s like being an average looking guy with an average build of average background/money trying to date on an app. The market is FLOODED with buyers, snapping up houses with all cash offers, 10 day closing no contingencies, forgoing inspections, offering $100k+ over asking. You have to do

For once, men are getting the short end of the stick in a system/society/culture that is designed primarily for their benefit. And they lose their minds...

Meh, weight is a little different. For instance if a man is physically fit and enjoys hobbies that involve fitness (going to the gym, actual hiking, long distance bike rides) and wants a partner who also enjoys those things, then there’s nothing wrong with limiting the search to other gym fiends who get up at dawn to

ex post facto. You can not violate a law that didn’t exist. That’s not what this is, the GOP is expressly saying they will retaliate and put these companies out of business and shut them down. We have a word for that- witness tampering/intimidation.

Republicans are banking on: (1) the active steps they’ve taken since Nov 2020 to make it harder for non-republican voters to vote, (2) Democrats traditional spinelessness (all bark, no bite), (3) companies fear of appearing partisan and being harmed in the future.

Tesla interiors, especially the 3 and Y.

“Depraved-heart” murder is where you don’t need to prove express intent to kill so long as there’s an act with an unusually high risk of causing death/great bodily injury. Speeding at 60-70 on an open stretch of road ain’t gonna qualify. It’s negligent, possibly reckless, but doesn’t rise to the type of “knowingly

Missing some of the key items to keep your score from getting dinged: (1) pay your CC bills in full every month; (2) use no more than 30% of your max on any one card; (3) use no more than 30% of your max credit total.

Less shitty rates” are important if you ever want to buy anything large. If you’re mortgaging $800k to buy a house at 6% you’re paying over $660k in interest over 30 years. Similarly, if you can get a 3% interest rate, you’re paying around $300k.

Disclaimers can only go so far and can provide some clarities to some vague/ambiguous statements. Adding in the lawyer-speak, the terms and conditions that you can’t fit in a sound bite, etc. You CANNOT use disclaimers to contradict the statement- that’s full blown false advertising and illegal in the US of A.

By your definition, there are no ethical places to smartly invest, since any worthwhile investment will necessitate making a profit at the expense of others.

If you have the requisite income to not be paycheck to paycheck- multiple accounts is the key (just like a business does). We have a dedicated checking account that direct deposit paychecks go into, and then money is immediately transferred to other accounts. Mortgage is paid from a second account that is on auto-pay

Not a great metric. Go to any track school, the instructors are faster in Mazda 3's than you are in a 911...