
This isn’t even just a case of poor woman suing rich man. It happens whenever any non-rich person sues a rich person or company. Look at the McDonald’s Hot Coffee case. When the average person is asked about it they think she’s some crazy gold-digger with a frivolous claim.
 Poor lady just wanted her medical bills paid

Or if Sean Payton didn’t do an Andy Reid/Pete Carrol impression and completely blow play-off end of game clock management. How hard is it, “use your elite RB to run the ball against the exhausted defense...

Start small. Try swallowing a sprinkle. Then a mini-m&m.

Do you wear a watch? That can help (right handed people wear it on the left always; some left handed people wear it on the right)

Priority Pass is the moviepass of airport lounges. It was great once, but now is terrible, ineffective, and a waste of money

Have you considered not riding winding mountain roads, or at least not riding uphill? When you’re doing 1/2 mph on a steep uphill curve, you’re just begging drivers to run you over, because we’re (reasonably) not expecting there to be a stopped obstacle in the middle of the lane.

and legally responsible for the health care costs and/or lost wages of any 3rd party who falls ill in the event the non-vax child becomes ill and spreads the disease. The only way to affect the behavior of rich stupid white people is to hit them with their wallet.

What’s worse is that because you’d need 20 GOP Senators to jump ship to convict, it gives cover to half a dozen shitheads who pretend to be moderates (e.g. Susan Collins) who can vote for impeachment knowing it’ll never happen. Far better is to keep using your subpoena power to get incriminating documents. They’re

If you already have a set budget you stick to and don’t have an overspending problem, you can and still should use your credit cards. It automatically tracks your spending so you can comply with and analyze your budget (increase your savings or cut your expenses); it’s a 30 day interest free loan giving you greater

Ditto. It’s worth doing once, one way.

Nasty Nancy and the angry Dems were on a witch hunt and wanted a do-over at the no-collusion Muller report (yugely unfair and waste of tax payer dollars!). But I got my day in court and was acquitted! No collusion. No obstruction. Dems spent 2 years and did nothing except hurt our country!” The tweet writes itself.

Ding ding ding.

You’re forgetting the best one. It will directly contradict his loan applications with Deutch Bank. Like any good crook, when filing taxes he minimizes his assets and maximizes his liability; when seeking a loan he does the exact opposite. Which is perfectly fine to do, so long as you don’t mind committing tax and


Just the opposite. If you work for 8 hours a day doing a job that society needs done, you should be able to live on it. If a business can’t afford to pay a living wage to its workers who work 8 hours a day, then that business doesn’t deserve to survive. Let me guess, you think grocery stores and fast food joints are

Every GOP senator is already on record. They don’t give a shit about anything besides their own agenda. They protect Trump because he’s a means to an end. 2 picks on the Court, a shit load of right wingers appointed to the lower courts, and a tax cut for the rich? He’s already delivered. Impeachment is a silly protest

Impeachment is a political loser and guaranteed to re-elect Trump. Republican voters (rich or religious) do not give a shit about Trump violating norms, policies, rules, or even the law. They vote red because GOP will give tax cuts and pack the courts with right-wingers who will gut abortion/other “democractic

What does it matter? The benefit of free college has nothing to do with the degree someone gets. Rather, it helps ensure a greater percentage of the population has greater competency in basic concepts (all the well-rounded GE’s), grows the middle class, and pumps billions into the economy. Grads are paying $500-1000

There will be always be jobs that pay more than others, but that both require degrees. There will always be people who want to teach because that’s their passion, not because it pays well. Ever have a really really good grade school teacher who loved what they did, were smart, and knew how to motivate kids? Ever have

You take any hard science college courses recently? It’s not the same as taking a social science course. Getting a degree in X still requires a huge amount of general education courses. Instead of taking something useful (thus becoming well-rounded), they’ll take absolute useless garbage puff courses to help them