
Oh, so that’s why Big telcos were lobbying to keep net neutra... OH WAIT. They were lobbying against it.

Anytime someone argues that corporations will do what’s best, shoot them Ford v. Dodge- “A business corporation is organized and carried on primarily for the profit of the stockholders. The powers of the directors are to be employed for that end. The discretion of directors is to be exercised in the choice of means to

I’m not sure you understand what government’s job is, nor what a company’s job is. A company’s sole job is to make as much profit as possible through all legal means, and illegal means if they’re not likely to get caught, or if the fine’s are worth the risk. Maximizing shareholder profit is the only concern, not

Show me a house that’s less than 10 years old, and I’ll show you a house that’s under warranty.

Don’t even need a corporation. Under the new Repub plan, “pass through taxation” entities would have an effective tax rate of 25%. A sole proprietorship is a pass through entity. You can create one by saying the magic words “I’m a sole proprietor” That magic wealth line where it makes more sense to be taxed as a such

This is the point that everyone misses. If a “golden key” (to borrow moronic law enforcement/law maker nomenclature) existed, every single government would demand a copy to allow a product be used/sold within their border.

That’s not how shit works, this ain’t feudal times where taxes are paid in gold that goes into a literal war chest. A tax credit has never in the history of US tax paying increased the taxes owed by non-recipients.

So you’re frothing at the mouth furious about corporate welfare then right? The top 5 most profitable companies paying $0 in taxes keeps you up at nights?

If you’re getting a refund, that’s because you botched your exemptions and are paying too much out of your weekly check. You should bitch to your HR Dept., not the IRS

It’s simple. You, as a person/human are not taxed. You do not have a tax bracket, or any of that shit. Your money is taxed. For the majority of people, they’re getting taxed on their income they earn from a job (investments you make are different, which is why the wealthy generally don’t pay as much in taxes, but a

Too many jamokes confuse “taxes” with “income taxes.” Only people with jobs earn income, and thus pay income taxes. The truly wealthy don’t get income, they get capital gains.

That’s bullshit. This is absolutely preventable. Real life is more Game of Thrones (sans magic/dragons) than it is Harry Potter. Meaning, there are very few supervillians who are evil for the sole sake of being evil. Evil POS’s, yes including terrorists, are human, and motivated by the same things all humans are.

You assume that guns will always be freely available. Currently, in this country there are no “illegal” guns, there are simply guns that are not legal in every state. In the real world, if you ban a manufacturer from selling a type of gun in this country, you wouldn’t be able to obtain it, legally or illegally. Ergo,

“Rules of Evidence” (note the caps) are a common shorthand for the “Federal Rules of Evidence,” the federal court evidentiary rules. Are there “rules of evidence” in state courts? Sure. In CA its the “Evidence Code;” in NY its just apart of their standard code,etc. But if you say “Rules of Evidence” without any other

Neither “pretty basic level stuff” nor advanced level stuff is of any help. The only realistic way a “good guy with a gun” is going to stop a “bad guy with a gun” is if the “good guy” gets the drop on the bad guy. E.g. bad guy sneaking around your house and you cap him from behind. Too many gun owners/enthusiasts

Rules of Evidence are for federal courts. Most cases (civil or crim) are state matters.

It’s not a due process/presumption of innocence issue. It’s a speech/credibility issue.

In trial you’re presenting a little thing we like to call “Evidence”

If down voting was possible, I’m sure my post would get bombed, but here goes anyways...

Mid 00's Mazda6 or Eclipse. Both of them have very short throws and dead simple clutches that are either on or off