
I live off of JIF. I am a socialist democrat. That study is stupid. #JIFisforeveryone

Maybe because I have been poor my whole life I see a different side of America. The area I live in, if you’re quiet, you’re a punk. There is no two sides to it. Growing up white in a mixed minority neighborhood in Western PA has taught me a few things. One, people are assholes. The small city I live in has them

But, Fortnite is a direct clone of, PUBG is the original idea. Just saying, it may be a more fun game to play but Fortnite ripped off the company they were supposed to support with their engine because their game was failing.

As someone who just started watching this show a few weeks ago, I couldn’t agree more. I love Deku, he’s a little emotional but man does he have heart!

That episode was insane. That punch, though!

Nicely articulated point!

Oh, that’s cute... You think my mom would let me live in her basement. lol If ONLY! Then maybe I would have more that woman had me out of the house at 18. But, I guess anyone that goes against your opinion is a basement troll. smh...idiot.

Um...Deadspin=sports, what’s your problem? Sorry, your tennis articles are interrupted by a sport you don’t enjoy. I reckon you should just deal with it because this is the first year of this sport going heavily mainstream. More of this “shit” is coming. You don’t see me bitching about baseball

As A Torb main, a Mercy main, an Xbox player and a fan of the LA Valiant... Pine has made me want to play McCree. I understand panic disorders, I have anxiety attacks as well. I can’t imagine being so far from home and on such a stage. Much love for Pine! He’s one of the best players in the world, I hope he can find

PUBG is my favorite, Fortnite just feels crappy to me. It is not what I expect out of a next gen consul game. It feels like something that would have been perfect for the 360 or PS3, not an Xbox One or PS4. That’s just me though. Also, Fortnite kind of raped PUBG’s IP... I know PUBG doesn’t own battle royale, but you

Agreed. I feel bad for him and Mickie... they have a shit team around them.

Please don’t switch and become a Valiant fan...


One of my greatest characters I have ever played was a lawful good paladin...oh, he was a goblin!

It’s coming, friend! You better believe it!



This team is 0-2, can’t communicate enough to hold maps and yet everyone wants to talk about them. COME ON! They are dookie, when is everyone going to quit riding their coattails? It’s gross, there are other (and BETTER) teams in this league to give attention to. LA Valiant? Seoul? New York? Teams that are

BillyFromDaBack... because no one sees me coming until it is too late. Whenever I get a Play of the Game, I will yell, “BillyFrooooomDaaaBaaaaack!” It brings me joy!

Do I need to have a writing degree? I really enjoy talking to people and writing my thoughts down, so this could be fun. 401k or Insurance?