This is on the DMs Guild, so 5th.
This is on the DMs Guild, so 5th.
Comments from the article:
It’s made me reevaluate all my past interactions in my life as well. I feel like this is a good thing for all men to do, and to stay cognizant of our actions in this current climate and once it passes. It will pass, but we can not let the ball drop back into the same court it was in before. For our future selves and…
It seems like someone told you something and you know something, maybe help whoever it is to get their story out there. If there is a story, it needs to be told!
If that’s even expendable...
True, I definitely saw the change when Gawker was gone... I miss those days on io9, before shitposters...
As a lifelong Penguins fan, I am happy that Marc Andre is with a kick-ass hockey team. And James Neal having a great year too, Vegas is lucky to have such a team. #goPens but also #goKnights (unless it’s in Pittsburgh, then #goPens...or the Stanley Cup if we make it again... that would be something, wouldn’t it?…, that’s all I got right now... oh and Rare Replay :)
Right, TJ Miller is a creep!
Hey now... us io9ers aren’t like this, they have been polluting our forums as well...
OMG! I know, right? Last I checked, the release date was 12/31/ I am also excited!!!
Dynasty Warriors hype train... ALL ABOARD!!!!!
Counter-Point: Nah, this CD is pretty good and River is one of the better songs on the album. Like Home is amazing too
Counterpoint: I would rather a couple Apple bugs than deal with Windows or Android devices.
I would never switch, but you can Download Apple Music to most Android devices. Your playlists will travel with your Apple Music account...I
I don’t know, I read a lot and really loved it. I do wish it was a longer book or maybe a series to get all the keys... You can tell it was his first book lol but maybe it’s the D&D nerd in me or my love for classic rock, but I really loved this book.
I’m not into FPS’s either, but Overwatch is one of my most favorite games ever! Next time they have a free weekend you should check it out. They have one like every 3 months or so...
First off, thank you for sharing this. It sucks, like really, really sucks when someone you game with and spend a lot of your gaming time with becomes a racist. This happened to me very recently. Very similar circumstances to yours... I love Overwatch. It’s one of my most favorite games that I consistently play. (That…