
No love for Mac OS X disk utility? 30 pass erasing is about as extreme as you can get..

Ok, i get that quick boot up times are good. But realisitcally, anything under a minute is good, i get a 50sec boot time, which is pretty long compared to these, and, truth is, by the time i flicked on my screens, turned on the speakers, and got comfy, its ready and waiting.

'If you can't imagine reading from your iPhone or iPod touch in public, consider turning your iPhone into a Moleskine book so it still appears to onlookers like you're reading dead-tree style.'

Well, here i am again, im getting to be rather popular.

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Im actually, trying to cut back on my blogs due to time issues, anychance of a how to keep up to date with lifehacker. I tried RSS feeds, but i gave up when they hits several thousands..

@StevieQ: aha, well, that will teach me to cut down on my blogs so i don't skim through things. Personally, i think that both expose and spaces make up for it when it comes to window management, specifically expose.

I can already do this, inside of mac os x, you can get a simple javascript code that you add to your bookmark bar, you set your desired window size (being half the res of your screen) and there you go.

I hate to ruin this everyone, but some of us do use it. For example, being a graphic designer, if i want to work on something completely in caps.

Having used all the operating systems, ive found that the iphone/ipod touch interface is the most natural, it just seems to fit best with the kind of device it is, and with the app store ever growing, im happy with the choice i made.

Apple Aluminum Thin Keyboard

Yes, i totally suggest that everyone takes a weekend out to do this, another twist on the door as desk idea, is a kitchen worktop, specially if you like making things, i picked mine up for about £10 at my local diy store. It sits accross both my desks, making one super desk.

any site i visit regular, pops up in my history as i type, anything else in bookmarked, and anything else out side of that, if you just type it into the browser it mostly find it eg typing "engadget" and hitting enter, will take me straight there, no fuss.

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Dynastrip, without a doubt, its an imposition software packedge. (setting up pdfs to be printed)

@hutchwilco: @joelion: Thanks! parellels have been bugging me to upgrade, and it might be worth putting the money towards fusion instead!

ive always used parallels, this does tempt me to try fusion tho. any body tried both? which do you think is better?

@Condalmo: lmfao, great first comment. 'Condalmo - Telling it how it is'

I personally use on of the new ducti ducktap wallets, plenty of storage, and thinner than leather, i can even manage to fit some biz cards in. also, i dont bother with change, which does make a difference.