
@cleptomaniac: It will take off when phone and internet companies can guarantee a fast stable connection all the time.

I would like to take a moment to point out how awesome a guy blakespot is. He inspires a lot of the vintage computing crown.

@The_Geek_Greek: All I know, is that while the media has been blowing the Assange case out of control. Gawker has been one of the few places to lay it out straight for me to understand.

So, 1.5 Million upset Gawker users? I wonder if that is enough to take on Anonymous?

@Akio Morita: Didn't Jonathan Ive used to work for Braun?

I love the idea of the cloud.

Last night I saw my mums facebook spamming everyone, sent her a quick text to let her know to change her password.

All those ethical principles, only to sell it for near $500!

'Google believes we can do everything with web-based apps that we can do with native apps.'

As a designer, I use the caps lock key a lot.

I am annoyed you missed the biggest problem with the DVD. No matter which version you pick, you have to swap discs half way through the film.

@gmjhowe: €80!! I was expecting like 40 max.. I paid €80 for my Sony W910i, which is the same size, does calls, does texting, and I use it for nothing else.

I loved the idea of this, until I saw it was basically the same size as any modern day dumbphone.

I only solder with REAL unicorns.

VOTE: Disk

@iamjames: I got my sugru for free!

Hey, thanks for featuring another one of my projects on your site. I love hacking life, and I love lifehacker.

I did not spend £425 on an iPad, and £15 on a VNC app so I could not response to people on the internet when going to the bathroom.

Hey, if there is nuclear material and explosives in there, is that not something to be worried about?

Meths, it cleans everything nicely while not destroying the plastic, and if when you are done it is still a little mucky, you won't care so much because you will be high on meths fumes.