Now playing

People are able to do amazing things with CE in terms of magic in DkS2. Some people would use it to turn themself into mini bosses (i.e. Ancient Knight, Deceased Iron King). There are also videos of people who hacked spells into amazing fireworks like in this vid here:

As we can see in the video the AI is (right now) very vulnerable to parrys. One would need to tune it to be able to predict a parry (near f’ing impossible)

God damn it poeple, PVP Watchdog exists for a reason ! (BTW, I have only seen 2-4 hackers in my 120-160 hours of playing DkS)

It’s worth celebrating because he managed to: 1. create a atleast good functioning AI from scratch (which is an amazing accomplishment in itself) 2. Manage to create an AI for a game without open source. The AI can even detect enemy attacks.

Ehm... Bullet Hell games need precise movement. Just saying...

If you want to train your speed and reflexes play bullet hell games.

Zelda boss battles are some of the easiest ones in any game. They consist of doing one thing 3-4 times in a row. (most of the time it consists of hitting a glowing object which every 6 year old cannot overlook)

You’re basically saying “I don’t like this game because I am bad at it and it shows my lack of skill when I choose the easy mode” (in easy mode the enemies have only half of their stages)