gmctavish needs more space

Check is in the mail Alex. Thanks again.

Look, it doesn’t look so bad on cars designed for them.

bUt CoRpOrAtE bRaNd IdEnTiTy!1!!!

My mom has a 2015 Lexus RX and was going to trade it in for new 2017 RX until she saw one up close and personal and declared it “too ugly.” She was not wrong.

Shoot, too bad Renault won’t be joining them.

Best & worst depending on whether you value fun or comfort more. Sometimes it gets stuck too!

Like many people, I saw that this was a 16y/o and was prepared to write this off as another spoiled kid (half my HS drove jeeps like this) and assume the parents would just buy them a new one.

always seen those under boxy old fiats so obviously i went to google to go find a pic to prove it

Finally a new sub culture has risen to the top of my hate ranking.

What the fuck is this? And before anybody flames me for the Buddhist meaning of the Swastika, the Buddhist Swastika has a different orientation.

My 6s got a free battery replacement so might wanna try that out.

There was a recall on certain models of the 6s and I got my battery replaced for free.

Yeah, hating giant autoplay videos all over the gawker network is totally entitled.

if you guys ever adjust your ads to be less batshit crazy obnoxious, please write an article alerting us. until then you will remain adblocked.


I think there’s just more interest in vehicles that are “real” and can one day soon be in our driveways, as opposed to some weird spaceship looking concept that will almost certainly be totally different once produced.

That Silverado front-end looks like it was designed by the Civic Type R team.

“Kalanick immediately realized he had screwed up.” Correction, he immediately realized he had been caught. That’s where the tears and “remorse” seem to originate. If it weren’t for the shared video, he’d be clicking along and completely comfortable with denigrating and demeaning folks he deems to be lesser than

I imgained this: