gmctavish needs more space

“Hi, Penske customer service? I’d like to report that my rental was, um, stolen earlier today. I don’t know where it is or what kind of damage might have occurred. Thank you.”

Current Daily: 2011 Suzuki SX4 AWD 6 speed


How about my daily driver 940 turbo wagon (with an M46 conversion!) towing a log splitter around?

Current daily driver:

Not surprising they’re in OK shape considering the circumstances. Those things were built like tanks.

GM has sure found some interesting ways to make cars not work over the years.

My old, 25 horsepower Subaru 360 used a lawn tractor battery and that, combined with a weak generator, meant that the battery would always die in very cold weather. So, in the winter, I would disconnect the battery and bring it inside with me if the car was going to be parked for a while. College classrooms, my job,

Tilt some of those gauges and controls towards me; I’m trying to drive over here.

I like how all the wipers are in the air like the cars just gave up and surrendered to the onslaught of ice.

See this is what happens when you don’t let your car warm up.

At least his wipers won’t stick to the windshield. #silverlining

Don’t forget that these were further seasoned by being left outside and even peed on.

Don’t use bacon grease, or any sort of non-vegetable based cooking grease, if you live in bear country. They may be hibernating right now, but when they wake up your car will still smell of meat grease to them even if you can’t smell it. You don’t to be the person that has to call in to work and say you’ll be late

You should also mention that when you get into your car, turn it on, and start the defrosters - DO NOT - just turn try and immediately turn the wipers on. There’s a little transmission between the wiper motor and your wiper arm/blades and this is a very easy way to FUBAR it. It doesn’t take much ice (or frost even

window blankets are good too

Read about this yesterday; this guy is a metal fab god. Here’s what it’s going into. Never enough props for somebody with this kind of skill.

Uh no, you mount one block forwards and the other backwards so it evens out. Duh.

No it’s a Supra Dupra.