gmctavish needs more space

GAH!!!! I was just in an accident like this in an 04 Sienna 2 months ago... I slid down an icy hill into an oncoming shuttle bus at about 30 mph (the Sienna handled it quite well, that airbag sure was tasty!)

You should be confused. Why?

My abs.

This is an old-school proper Jalopnik post right here. Ship crashes and dash cam pron may get page views but THIS car, these pics, and the excellent story behind its creation is why the site was created. Nice job!

Design modeled after 2014 F1 car nose.

2 things...

Looks like someone stapled two caterpillars to his forehead.

Who wants to bet this guy does this with every car he buys?

And you're 100% sure this isn't the Dad from American Pie?

This is part of our evil plan to destroy all Elements, except for the Sesto!

i have no Photoshop skills, but i thought this fitting.

I'm gonna say definitely probably.

Some cars elevate themselves to more than just cars. Some cars touch peoples lives every day, all around the world for generations. They connect people together, build relationships, memories, and life long companionship. Such was the life of the iconic VW bus.

5 MPH bumpers, they really served little purpose and uglyfied many cars take the MGB as an example

Walking across a highway is dangerous.

You want to make coco sad today?

Deliver 4meter PVC pipes to the Cabin? No problem

But can you drive it around here without hitting more than 5 cars: