Jack R.

Well….I replied back to you in detail but the thought police here at AV Club took it down. Nevermind, I guess….

Again, I know full well Offerman was criticizing the Bible and Christ. That was my point; even he got the connection when he mockingly said something to the effect of, "Nice job, Jesus….". And no, I didn't watch the entire thing. I turned it off after the first 30 minutes or so. My wife and I were thoroughly

Well, if you want to nitpick, I can also indeed do that.

OK. That's a bizarre comment. I guess it was an attempt at humor….?

He apparently has a few libertarian beliefs but the notion that he is a "right winger" isn't accurate. What does that even mean, today? A right winger like Boehner, who is a neoconservative Republican yet still a "right winger" by some in their definition?

I watched quite a few minutes of American Ham but eventually turned it off. I honestly didn't think it was funny. Sure, there were a few good quips/quotes. But overall, I found it to be offensive and unnecessarily rude and crude. It was incessant F-Bombs, crude sex jokes and mockery of Christianity. That's not

Well, according to Scripture Jesus existed from before the foundation of the world, and, thus, also wrote the entire Bible. So in answer to your question, yes, Offerman is correct that Jesus also wrote Leviticus.

If only Offerman's comedy was as funny and high-quality as the Ron Swanson character. Unfortunately, it is nowhere close.