Just because Tesla has no PR department doesn’t mean you have to volunteer.
Just because Tesla has no PR department doesn’t mean you have to volunteer.
It’s interesting that it’s framed not as “someone who is a Democrat/Republican” but “someone who voted for the opposing presidential candidate.” I could definitely try to be friends with a Republican who didn’t vote for Trump. But definitely NOT with anyone who voted for Trump, no matter their party affiliation.
significantly less tolerance for people with differing “political views”
the vaginally blessed will tell you to fuck off with your recommendation
“...I don’t have to make white kids feel bad for being white.”
Fuck that butcher and fuck the grief his family feels. As if anything he ever did could balance the mountain of corpses.
Money and racism.
Isn’t her stance that she’s “vaccine-hesitant” and a low-vaccine family? Essentially just anti-vaxx dogwhistles, the basic equivalent of “just asking questions” while continuing to promote the conspiracy theories.
I’m glad someone is giving my stupid comments the respectful thought they deserve.
Buy a burrito from your local purveyor of burritos. Tip. Help make sure there are burrito places and the folks that know how to make them in our future.
I’m gonna mask up in airports and public transport from here on out I think. As well as when I’m feeling pre-sick (glum, maybe sore throat, but “could be allergies” sort of stuff).
I am a man who grew up in the 1990s eating yogurt, so I never thought like that. I would like to think it was more like, “I am just no interested in eating this.” Not, “I wish I could eat this, but it is too girly!” Other men might feel differently.
Ideally (to me) this turns into mostly induction cooktops being installed, because they’re significantly more energy efficient than both gas and electric stoves. Not to mention much safer for curious children!
Binging with Babbish?
Biggest problem with passenger rail in the US: freight companies own the rails. Amtrak has to yield to BNSF, et. al., when it comes to scheduling.
Also, are we going to ignore that he confirmed that his bake had only worked 1 out of 10 times in practice?!?! At that point, chose a different recipe!!!